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Drupal Guestbook模块文本修改

[英]Drupal Guestbook module text modification

Just need to change some of the text that the module displays by default on each of my user's individual guestbooks. 只需更改默认情况下模块在我的用户的每本个人留言簿上显示的一些文本。 The top tab says "My guestbook" and I want to change it to "My comments." 顶部标签显示“我的留言簿”,我想将其更改为“我的评论”。 Under all replies it says "Add guestbook entry" and I want that changed to "Add comment." 在所有答复下,它都显示“添加留言簿条目”,我希望将其更改为“添加评论”。 There are a few more instances like this. 还有更多这样的实例。 I found language files to switch to different languages like French, but could not find a standard one for English. 我发现语言文件可切换为法语等其他语言,但找不到英语的标准文件。 The files for this module are here: http://drupal.org/project/guestbook 该模块的文件在这里: http : //drupal.org/project/guestbook

(PS - Please be a little bit detailed in your reply as I am a novice builder) (附言:由于我是新手,请在您的回复中详细说明)

Any strings wrapped in t() calls can be overwritten by theming functions in your theme layer. 封装在t()调用中的任何字符串都可以被主题层中的主题函数覆盖。 It looks like the change that you want to make is on line 938 of the current latest 6.x branch: 看起来您要进行的更改位于当前最新的6.x分支的第938行上:

$info[$uid]['title'] = t('My guestbook') . ($unread ? ' ('. $unread .')' : '');

You can use the String Overrides module to change the text displayed by this string. 您可以使用“ 字符串覆盖”模块来更改此字符串显示的文本。

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