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[英]TypeScript interface to describe class

Is there an interface in TypeScript to describe a class declaration? TypeScript中是否有用于描述类声明的接口?

function module(name: string, classDeclaration: IClass) {
     this.classHash[name] = classDeclaration; //example use of class declaration

In JavaScript, there are only functions. 在JavaScript中,只有功能。 The class keyword in TypeScript & EcmaScript 6 is (for the purposes of this question) sugar for creating a constructor function and filling out its prototype. TypeScript和EcmaScript 6中的class关键字(出于此问题的目的)是用于创建构造函数和填写其原型的糖。 Therefore, a generic interface for a “class” in TypeScript is the same as an interface for any constructor function: 因此,TypeScript中“类”的通用接口与任何构造函数的接口相同:

interface Class<T> {
  new (...args: any[]): T;
  prototype: T;

Don't name your function module , it is a keyword in TypeScript. 不要命名您的功能module ,它是TypeScript中的关键字。 AFAIK there is no such interface or class but you can create your own interface IClass which I would strongly recommend. AFAIK没有此类接口或类,但是您可以创建自己的接口IClass ,我强烈建议您这样做。

An example is: 一个例子是:

interface IClass {}

class MyClass implements IClass {}
class MySecondClass implements IClass {}

function myModule(name: string, classDeclaration: IClass) {
     this.classHash[name] = classDeclaration; //example use of class declaration

myModule("1", MyClass);
myModule("2", new MyClass());
myModule("3", MySecondClass);

No. I would have expected Function (or FunctionConstructor ) to be such an interface, but, no. 不,我本来希望Function (或FunctionConstructor )是这样的接口,但是,不会。

What is troubling is that, as expected, in the code below the type returned by typeof is function ... but function (lower case f ) is neither a type nor an interface in Typescript. 令人不安的是,正如所料,在下面的代码中, typeof返回的类型是function ...,但是function (小写字母f )既不是Typescript也不是Typescript的接口。 So the answer has to be no. 因此答案必须为否。

"use strict";

class Hello {

    private s: string

    constructor(s: string) {
        this.s= s

    public sayHello() {
        console.log(`Hello ${this.s}`)

function instantiate<T>(clazz: any, name: string): T {
    console.log(`Type of clazz: ${typeof clazz}`)
    return new clazz(name) as any as T

instantiate<Hello>(Hello, 'John').sayHello()

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