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[英]Quickest way to calculate the average growth rate across columns of a numpy array

Given an array such as: 给定一个数组,例如:

import numpy as np
a = np.array([[1,2,3,4,5],[6,7,8,9,10]])

What's the quickest way to calculate the growth rates of each row so that my results would be 0.52083333333333326 , and 0.13640873015873009 respectively. 计算每行的增长率的最快方法是什么,这样我的结果分别是0.520833333333333260.13640873015873009

I tried using: 我尝试使用:

>>> np.nanmean(np.rate(1,0,-a[:-1],a[1:]), axis=0)
array([ 5.        ,  2.5       ,  1.66666667,  1.25      ,  1.        ])

but of course it doesn't yield the right result and I don't know how to get the axis right for the numpy.rate function. 但是,当然,它不会产生正确的结果,而且我不知道如何为numpy.rate函数获得正确的轴。

In [262]: a = np.array([[1,2,3,4,5],[6,7,8,9,10]]).astype(float)
In [263]: np.nanmean((a[:, 1:]/a[:, :-1]), axis=1) - 1
Out[263]: array([ 0.52083333,  0.13640873])

To take your approach using numpy.rate , you need to index into your a array properly (consider all rows separately) and use axis=1 : 要充分利用你的方法numpy.rate ,你需要索引你的a阵列正确(考虑单独所有行),并使用axis=1

In [6]: np.nanmean(np.rate(1,0,-a[:,:-1],a[:,1:]), axis=1)
Out[6]: array([ 0.52083333,  0.13640873])

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