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[英]How to remove buttons that were procedurally generated

I generate a number of buttons within my winform based on what is in a list this works fine, however I need to reset the form back to having none of the new buttons existing. 我会根据可以正常工作的列表中的内容在winform中生成许多按钮,但是我需要将表单重置为不存在任何新按钮。

The button generating code is: 按钮生成代码为:

private int importButtonFactory()
            int numberOfButtons = 0;

            int top = 70;
            int left = 12;

            foreach (Import import in ImportList)
                Button importButton = new Button();
                importButton.Left = left;
                importButton.Top = top;
                importButton.Width = 220;
                top += importButton.Height + 2;
                importButton.Text = import.Mapping;
                importButton.Click += (object sndr, EventArgs c_args) => openFile_Click(import.Path);

            return numberOfButtons;

I have tried following within a separate function: 我已经尝试在一个单独的函数中执行以下操作:


But I get the error: "The name 'importButton' does not exist in the current context" 但我收到错误消息: "The name 'importButton' does not exist in the current context"

Yes and that's cause the control instance declared inside a different function. 是的,这导致控件实例在其他函数中声明。 You can create a List<Button> and have them clear later like 您可以创建一个List<Button>并稍后将其清除,例如

List<Button> buttonList = new List<Button>();

private int importButtonFactory()
            int numberOfButtons = 0;

            foreach (Import import in ImportList)
                Button importButton = new Button();


In your other method you can access the list and remove them 您可以使用其他方法访问列表并将其删除

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