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[英]Python add string before every vowel

I am writing a python code that takes a single imputed line of text and adds the string "tak" before every vowel (y only counting as a vowel if it doesn't begin a word) for example "I like sleep" would come out to "takI ltakitake sltaketakep". 我正在编写一个python代码,该代码接受一行插入的文本,并在每个元音之前添加字符串“ tak”(如果不开始单词,则仅算作元音),例如“我喜欢睡觉”到“ takI ltakitake sltaketakep”。 I am only just beginning learning to code and as such do not know too many complex functions yet. 我只是刚刚开始学习编码,因此还不知道太多复杂的功能。 Below is the code I have thus far, which isn't working at all. 下面是到目前为止我没有的代码。

text = raw_input("enter the text to be translated")
textSplit = text.split()
count = 0
print len(textSplit)
Vowels = ["a","e","i","o","u"]
while count <= len(text):
  for i in textSplit:
    for i in Vowels:
      count += 1

However, I have not been able to figure out how I can slice the string, add "tak" and concatenate it. 但是,我还无法弄清楚如何分割字符串,添加“ tak”并将其连接起来。 Thank you. 谢谢。

edit: can it be done without using the text.replace module? 编辑:可以不使用text.replace模块来完成吗?

You can use a regex : 您可以使用正则表达式

>>> re.sub(r'(?i)([aeiou])', r'tak\1', "I like sleep") 
'takI ltakiktake sltaketakep'

You can also use str.replace by looping over the string once for each vowel. 您还可以通过为每个元音循环一次字符串来使用str.replace Don't forget that strings are immutable in Python so you have to create a new string each time: 不要忘记字符串在Python中是不可变的,因此您每次都必须创建一个新字符串:

>>> s="I like sleep"
>>> for v in 'aeiouAEIOU':
...    s=s.replace(v, 'tak'+v)
>>> s
'takI ltakiktake sltaketakep'

In this case, the string s is either the same as before if the vowel is not found or each vowel is replaced by the string tak concatenated to the vowel. 在这种情况下,如果未找到元音,则字符串s与以前相同,或者每个元音都由连接到元音的字符串tak替换。 A new string is created in either case each time through the loop and assigned to s . 无论哪种情况,每次通过循环都会创建一个新字符串,并将其分配给s

If you need to ignore any leading 'y's, you'll have to finesse it just a bit: 如果您需要忽略任何前导“ y”,则只需稍微说明一下:

text = raw_input("enter the text to be translated")

temp1 = temp2 = text[1:] if text[0] in ['y', 'Y'] else text

for vowel in ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y']:
    temp2 = temp2.replace(vowel, 'tak{}'.format(vowel))
    temp2 = temp2.replace(vowel.upper(), 'tak{}'.format(vowel.upper()))

text = text.replace(temp1, temp2)
print text

For an input of 'I like sleep', this gives: 对于“我喜欢睡觉”的输入,它给出:

takI ltakiktake sltaketakep

'yellow': '黄色':


'turkey': '火鸡':


If, for some reason, you really didn't want to use str.replace , you could do it like this: 如果由于某种原因,您真的不想使用str.replace ,可以这样做:

text = raw_input("enter the text to be translated")

temp2 = text[1:] if text[0] in ['y', 'Y'] else text
vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y']

temp2 = ''.join(['tak{}'.format(letter) if letter.lower() in vowels else letter for letter in temp2])

if text[0] in ['y', 'Y']:
    text = text[0] + temp2
    text = temp2

print text

You could use re.sub : 您可以使用re.sub

re.sub(r'([aeiou])', r'(exampleReplace)\1', text)

Example: 例:

text = 'Text'
print(re.sub(r'([aeiou])', r'(exampleReplace)\1', text))
>> T(exampleReplace)ext

The following would work: 以下将起作用:

text = 'I like sleep'
vowels = set("aeiou")
modified_text = ''.join(['tak'+letter if letter.lower() in vowels else letter for letter in text])

Output 产量

takI ltakiktake sltaketakep

(note: I think you are missing a k in your sample output) (注意:我认为您在示例输出中缺少了k

Use list() instead of split() . 使用list()而不是split() I have also used enumerate to get the index and value simultaneously. 我还使用枚举来同时获取索引和值。 Modified code: 修改后的代码:

text = "I like banana"
textSplit = list(text)
Vowels = ["a","e","i","o","u"]
for index,letter in enumerate(textSplit):
    if letter.lower() in Vowels:
        textSplit[index] = "tak" + letter
print "".join(textSplit)

Output: 输出:

takI ltakiktake btakantakantaka

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