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[英]Clustered Standard Error for Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial model

I would like to compute the clustered standard errors for zero-inflated negative binomial model. 我想计算零膨胀负二项式模型的聚类标准误差。 By default, zeroinfl (from the pscl package) returns standard errors derived using the Hessian matrix returned by optim , eg: 默认情况下, zeroinfl (来自pscl包)返回使用optim返回的Hessian矩阵派生的标准错误,例如:

data("bioChemists", package = "pscl")
## default start values
fm1 <- zeroinfl(art ~ ., data = bioChemists, dist = "negbin"))

Is there a way to use an asymmetrical/symmetrical distance matrix between observations OR use one of the variables (eg kid5 in the toy dataset) to compute clustered standard error? 有没有办法在观察之间使用非对称/对称距离矩阵,或者使用变量之一(例如玩具数据集中的kid5 )来计算聚类标准误差?

I found this from an answer at stackexchange , but I am not sure how/whether it can be used with zero-inflated models. 我从stackexchange的答案中发现了这一点 ,但不确定如何将其与零膨胀模型一起使用。 The equivalent in Stata's rzinb would probably be cluster clustvar under vce : http://www.stata.com/manuals13/rzinb.pdf . Stata的rzinb的等效rzinb可能是vce下的cluster clustvarhttp : //www.stata.com/manuals13/rzinb.pdf

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

The development version of the sandwich package on R-Forge has been extended to allow for object-oriented computation of clustered covariances. R-Forge上的sandwich程序包的开发版本已得到扩展,以允许集群协方差的面向对象计算。 This also supports zero-inflated regression models. 这也支持零膨胀回归模型。 You can install the devel version from R-Forge via: 您可以通过以下方法从R-Forge安装devel版本:

install.packages("sandwich", repos = "http://R-Forge.R-project.org")

And then load all required packages. 然后加载所有必需的程序包。 The lmtest package is used for the coeftest() function into which covariance matrix estimates can be plugged in. lmtest包用于coeftest()函数,可以将协方差矩阵估计插入该函数中。


The illustration model you used is the following. 您使用的插图模型如下。

data("bioChemists", package = "pscl")
fm1 <- zeroinfl(art ~ ., data = bioChemists, dist = "negbin")

The coeftest() function by default returns the same marginal Wald tests as summary() . 默认情况下, coeftest()函数返回与summary()相同的边际Wald测试。

## t test of coefficients:
##                      Estimate  Std. Error t value  Pr(>|t|)    
## count_(Intercept)  0.41674653  0.14359655  2.9022  0.003796 ** 
## count_femWomen    -0.19550683  0.07559256 -2.5863  0.009856 ** 
## count_marMarried   0.09758263  0.08445195  1.1555  0.248199    
## count_kid5        -0.15173246  0.05420606 -2.7992  0.005233 ** 
## count_phd         -0.00070013  0.03626966 -0.0193  0.984603    
## count_ment         0.02478620  0.00349267  7.0966 2.587e-12 ***
## zero_(Intercept)  -0.19168829  1.32281889 -0.1449  0.884815    
## zero_femWomen      0.63593320  0.84891762  0.7491  0.453986    
## zero_marMarried   -1.49946849  0.93867060 -1.5974  0.110518    
## zero_kid5          0.62842720  0.44278263  1.4193  0.156166    
## zero_phd          -0.03771474  0.30800817 -0.1224  0.902572    
## zero_ment         -0.88229322  0.31622813 -2.7901  0.005381 ** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

This can then be easily extended to employ a clustered covariance matrix estimate using the vcovCL() function. 然后,可以使用vcovCL()函数轻松地将其扩展为采用聚类协方差矩阵估计。 Here, the kid5 variable is employed as you suggested. 在这里,按照您的建议使用kid5变量。 (Note, if someone else is reading this: The usage of kid5 is just to show things "work" but does not really make sense in this application.) (请注意,如果其他人正在阅读kid5kid5的用途kid5是为了显示“工作”,但在此应用程序中并没有什么意义。)

coeftest(fm1, vcov = vcovCL(fm1, cluster = bioChemists$kid5))
## t test of coefficients:
##                      Estimate  Std. Error  t value  Pr(>|t|)    
## count_(Intercept)  0.41674653  0.17009748   2.4500   0.01447 *  
## count_femWomen    -0.19550683  0.01701325 -11.4914 < 2.2e-16 ***
## count_marMarried   0.09758263  0.02401883   4.0628 5.272e-05 ***
## count_kid5        -0.15173246  0.03612916  -4.1997 2.938e-05 ***
## count_phd         -0.00070013  0.04852615  -0.0144   0.98849    
## count_ment         0.02478620  0.00263208   9.4170 < 2.2e-16 ***
## zero_(Intercept)  -0.19168829  0.51865043  -0.3696   0.71177    
## zero_femWomen      0.63593320  0.87775846   0.7245   0.46895    
## zero_marMarried   -1.49946849  1.03481783  -1.4490   0.14768    
## zero_kid5          0.62842720  0.35073624   1.7917   0.07351 .  
## zero_phd          -0.03771474  0.13873870  -0.2718   0.78581    
## zero_ment         -0.88229322  0.07481264 -11.7934 < 2.2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

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