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[英]cluster attributes using hclust in R

I have a data set which is two dimensional data with column names as attributes and rows as items. 我有一个数据集,它是二维数据,列名称作为属性,行名称作为项。 A sample is given below: 下面是一个示例:

       A1    A2   A3   A4   ....
Item1  0     1     0    0
Item2  0     0     0    1
Item3  1    1      0    0

.... ....

I have used hclust (ward.D2 method) to create a cluster dendrogram in R. I can get the labels of all items in a cluster. 我已经使用hclust(ward.D2方法)在R中创建了群集树状图。我可以获取群集中所有项目的标签。 How do i find out the list of attributes (A1 A2 etc) of the cluster so I can infer how those items came together? 我如何找出群集的属性列表(A1 A2等),以便推断这些项目是如何组合在一起的?

The code which i have tried is : 我尝试过的代码是:

d <- vegdist(data,method="jaccard")
fit <- hclust(d,method="ward.D2")
hcd <- as.dendrogram(fit)
labels(cut(hcd, h=3)$lower[[1]])

Hierarchical clustering does not handle columns. 分层群集不处理列。

It operates on the distance matrix - there are no column labels anymore. 它在距离矩阵上运行 -不再有列标签。

You may be looking for biclustering instead. 您可能正在寻找双集群。

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