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[英]Saving a MATLAB matrix as an image to a specific size and resolution

After having read this question, I wanted to use this code to save my picture as to particular size. 阅读完问题后,我想使用此代码将图片保存为特定大小。

    I_c(:,:) = cropped_matrix(i,:,:);
    set(I_c, 'PaperUnits', 'inches');
    x_width = 7.25;
    y_width = 9.125;
    set(I_c, 'PaperPosition', [0 0 x_width y_width]);

I_c represents a 2D matrix (about 40x40) of uint8 's. I_c代表uint8的2D矩阵(大约40x40)。

However, I get the error: 但是,我得到了错误:

Error using set Invalid handle 使用设置无效句柄时出错

This makes me believe that I can only use this code with figures and not matrices which contain matrices. 这使我相信我只能将此代码与图形一起使用,而不能与包含矩阵的矩阵一起使用。 How would I go about this? 我将如何处理?

I have looked at the API for print , as suggested as the first answer of the aforementioned linked question, but it also suggests using set and 'PaperUnits' . 正如前面提到的链接问题的第一个答案所建议的那样,我已经研究了用于printAPI ,但是它也建议使用set'PaperUnits'

Note: This question also looks at this problem but suggests the same solution. 注意: 问题也着眼于此问题,但提出了相同的解决方案。

Notes About Crowley's Answer 关于克劳利答案的注意事项

  1. So I just tried the code that you have given with your answer. 因此,我只是尝试了您在回答中提供的代码。 The .jpg being produced is the one shown below. 生成的.jpg如下所示。 How would I get rid of all the extra white area through code? 我如何通过代码摆脱所有多余的白色区域?
  2. How would I change the colourmap of the figure being produced, to greyscale when I just use image(ImData) ? 当我仅使用image(ImData)时,如何将colourmap的图形的colourmap图更改为灰度?


And here is how the actual figure appears: 这是实际数字的显示方式:


Here is the code that I have put in: 这是我输入的代码:

 im = image(I_c); 
 set(gcf,'units','inches','position',[1 2 5 5]);
 set(gca,'ydir','normal','units','centimeters','position',[0 0 0.5 0.5].*get(gcf,'position')) ;
 filename = strcat('slice',int2str(i),'_','bead',int2str(j),'.jpg');

Suppose we have matrix I_c containing values and x and y the coordinates so value I_c(ii,jj) corresponds to x(ii) and y(jj) coordinates. 假设我们具有包含值的矩阵I_c以及xy的坐标,因此值I_c(ii,jj)对应于x(ii)y(jj)坐标。

Then: 然后:

ImMin=min(min(I_c));    % Find the minimum value in I_c
ImData=I_c-ImMin;       % Ensure non-zero values
ImMax=max(max(ImData)); % Find maximum value in ImData
ImData=ImData./ImMax;   % Ensure ImData do NOT exceed 1

image(x,y,ImData*[1 1 1]) % plot the image in greyscale
set(gcf,'units','inches','position',[1 2 5 5]) % set active figure properties
set(gca,'ydir','normal','units','inches','position',[0 0 1 1].*get(gcf,'position')) % set active axes properties


'ydir','normal' parameter change default (1,1) point being in top-left corner to "normal" position in bottom-left corner. 'ydir','normal'参数将默认(1,1)点从左上角更改为左下角的“ normal”位置。
[0 0 1 1].*get(gcf,'position) will read active figure position (here [1 2 5 5]) and after element-by-element multiplication the [0 0 5 5] is passed to the position which causes that axes fit the image. [0 0 1 1].*get(gcf,'position)将读取活动图形的位置(此处为[1 2 5 5]),在逐个元素相乘后, [0 0 5 5]会传递到该position使轴适合图像。

export_fig function will create figure-I_c.png image as it is shown in Matlab figure, if -nocrop is omitted the possible white space in the edges is cropped out. export_fig函数将创建Matlab图中所示的figure-I_c.png图像,如果省略-nocrop ,则可能会裁剪掉边缘中的空白区域。 This function is available from MathWorks' File Exchange . 该功能可从MathWorks的File Exchange中获得

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