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[英]I would like to know if this is possible in python

I was wondering if it is possible to display "Enter the number of wins on monday, tuesday, wednesday, and so on" sequentialy after each input.我想知道是否可以在每次输入后按顺序显示“输入星期一、星期二、星期三等的获胜次数”。 The only method I can think of is to make multiple inputs in the module.我能想到的唯一方法是在模块中进行多个输入。

def getWins():
counter = 1
totalWins = 0
dailyWins = 0
while counter <= 7:
    dailyWins = raw_input('Enter the number of wins acquired for each day this week:')
    totalWins = totalWins + dailyWins
    counter = counter + 1
return totalWins

You could do something like:你可以这样做:

def getWins():
    week = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
    scores = {} # Perhaps you want to return a dictionary? If not, just set this to 0 and += score below. Also, remove sum()
    for day in week:
        score = int(raw_input("Enter the number of wins on {}: ".format(day)))
        scores[day] = score
    return sum(scores.values())

>>> getWins()
Enter the number of wins on Monday: 5
Enter the number of wins on Tuesday: 4
Enter the number of wins on Wednesday: 5
Enter the number of wins on Thursday: 1
Enter the number of wins on Friday: 3
Enter the number of wins on Saturday: 7
Enter the number of wins on Sunday: 9

The only method I can think of is to make multiple inputs in the module我能想到的唯一方法是在模块中进行多个输入

  • In Python 2.7, raw_input returns a string在 Python 2.7 中, raw_input返回一个字符串
  • Strings can be split字符串可以拆分

You could let the user enter the values for the whole week in one raw_input , separated by spaces, comma, etc.您可以让用户在一个raw_input输入整周的值,用空格、逗号等分隔。

def get_wins():
    data = raw_input('Enter the number of wins for each day, separated by spaces: ')

    wins = [int(win) for win in data.split() if win.isdigit()]
    return sum(wins)

You can use map to create a list of all the inputs made by user as:您可以使用map创建用户所做的所有输入的列表:

dailywins = map(int, raw_input("enter the daily wins of whole week").split()) 
# THIS gives you a list object of ints which can be manipulated any way you want(here input is space separated)

Now you can simply do:现在你可以简单地做:

totalwins = sum(dailywins)

to get totalwins获得totalwins

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