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[英]Hello, I would like to know how to use Enum in python

I made an enum file and tried to import in the file showing next code (another file) But showing this error following : 我做了一个枚举文件,并试图导入显示下一个代码的文件(另一个文件),但是在下面显示此错误:

File "C:/Users/1/PycharmProjects/assignment3/Program.py", line 61, in Program
    NN.TrainByBackProp(100000, 0.1, GradDescType.STOCHASTIC)
NameError: name 'GradDescType' is not defined

and this host file seems not recognize import when I imported like import Myenum which is belonged enum file. 当我像属于枚举文件的导入Myenum一样导入时,此主机文件似乎无法识别导入。 What should I correct to deal with this issue? 我该如何解决这个问题? Thank you for your response in advance. 感谢您的提前答复。 If you need more information, let me know I will respond as soon as possible. 如果您需要更多信息,请告诉我,我会尽快回复。

enum file 枚举文件

import enum

class GradDescType(enum.Enum):


class ActivationFunction(enum.Enum):


another file 另一个文件

NN.TrainByBackProp(100000, 0.1, GradDescType.STOCHASTIC)


from <enum_file> import GradDescType, ActivationFunction

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