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[英]OpenCV : Training SVM Error - Assertion failed

Im writing program to classify objects using SVM and BoW. 我正在编写程序来使用SVM和BoW对对象进行分类。 I am getting the following error when I try use the TrainData::create() member function to create the data necessary to train SVM classifier. 尝试使用TrainData :: create()成员函数创建训练SVM分类器所需的数据时,出现以下错误。

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (responses.type() == CV_32F || responses.type() == CV_32S) in setData OpenCV错误:setData中的断言失败(responses.type()== CV_32F || response.type()== CV_32S)

This is my function to read the train data from a director, compute BoW histogram for each train image, create a matrix of all descriptors of all train images in a matrix and the create the train data, labels and then train the SVM 这是我的功能,用于从导演那里读取火车数据,为每个火车图像计算BoW直方图,在矩阵中创建所有火车图像的所有描述符的矩阵,并创建火车数据,标签,然后训练SVM

void trainClassifier(string dictionaryPath, string trainDataPath, string saveClassifierPath, int samples){

//Write file
FileStorage readFile(dictionaryPath, FileStorage::READ);

//Load into Dictionary matrix
readFile["Data"] >> dictionary;

if(dictionary.empty() == false)
    cout << "Error loading visual vocalbulary" << endl;

//Set the Bow descripter with the dictionary

//Inititate variables
vector<KeyPoint> keypointTrain;
vector<DMatch> matchTrain;
Mat descriptorTrain;

//inputTrain -> input images, inputFeatures -> BoW descriptor output
Mat inputTrain;
Mat inputFeatures;

//Label array
vector<string> label;

//Create a string to read files from directory
string updatedDataPath;

for(int i = 1; i <= samples; i++)
    //Update the string updateDataPath to correspond the image FILENAME with each iteration
    updatedDataPath += to_string(i);

    //Read FILE from the updated datapath
    inputTrain = imread(updatedDataPath);

    //Convert to single channel, since classifier takes only single channel data
    cvtColor(inputTrain, inputTrain, CV_BGR2GRAY);

    //Generate BoW features/histogram for the train image
    testBOW.compute(inputTrain, keypointTrain, inputFeatures);

    //Load the data in the descriptor Matrix

    //Generate label according to the sample
    if(samples > 1 && samples <= 10)
        label.push_back("OBJ1 POSSITIVE");
    else if (samples > 11 && samples <= 20)
        label.push_back("OBJ1 NEGATIVE");

    //Reset data path

//Convert the descriptor matrix into 32-pt float to make it compatible with classifier
if(descriptorTrain.type() != CV_32F)
    descriptorTrain.convertTo(descriptorTrain, CV_32F);

//Create train data using TrainData::create()
Ptr<TrainData> trainData = TrainData::create(descriptorTrain, ROW_SAMPLE, label);
//Iniitialize Support vector based classifier (SVM) to classify and detect object
Ptr<SVM>SVM = SVM::create();
SVM->setTermCriteria(TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER, 100, 1e-6));

//Now train the SVM

cout << "Classifier training status: SUCCESSFUL" << endl;}

Any help is appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。 Thanks and cheers :) 谢谢和欢呼:)

You are using a vector<string> as the TrainData responses. 您正在使用vector<string>作为TrainData响应。

//Label array
vector<string> label;

// [long code]

//Create train data using TrainData::create()
Ptr<TrainData> trainData = TrainData::create(descriptorTrain, ROW_SAMPLE, label);

And it shoud be a Mat CV_32F or CV_32S , as the error says. 如错误CV_32S ,它应该是Mat CV_32FCV_32S

You can confirm that at: 您可以通过以下方式确认:

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