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[英]How to get an average from a text document in python?

In python. 在python中。 I need to calculate an average from a text document. 我需要从文本文档中计算平均值。 Then line that is set out in the text document looks like this Bob Farnworth 11SM 1 out of 10 I have managed to sort it alphabetically and by score. 然后,文本文档中列出的行看起来像这样:Bob Farnworth 11SM 1/10我设法按字母顺序和分数排序。 Each time someone runs the test and completes it, it will store their data in the text document on a new line but i need to sort their score by average by adding each persons score up and dividing it by how many there are. 每次有人运行测试并完成测试时,它将把他们的数据存储在新行中的文本文档中,但是我需要通过将每个人的得分加起来再除以多少来对他们的得分进行平均排序。 This is what i have got so far. 这就是我到目前为止所得到的。

def sortdata(): #This is my menu that will allow the user to enter a number to sort the data thats been collected from the test
    while True:
        print("Sort menu")
        print("Enter 1 to sort by Surname")
        print("Enter 2 to sort by Firstname")
        print("Enter 3 to sort by Form")
        print("Enter 4 to sort by Score")
        print("Enter 5 to sort by Average")
        menu2 = input("Enter Number..")
            menu2 = int(menu2)
       except ValueError:
            print ("unacceptable")

    if menu2 == 1:
        with open('data.txt', 'r') as data:
            for line in sorted(data.readlines(), key=lambda line:(line.split(' ')[1])): 
                print(line, end='') 
    if menu2 == 2:
        with open('data.txt', 'r') as data:
            for line in sorted(data.readlines(), key=lambda line:(line.split(' ')[0])):
                print(line, end='')
    if menu2 == 3:
        with open('data.txt', 'r') as data:
            for line in sorted(data.readlines(), key=lambda line:(line.split(' ')[2])):
                print(line, end='')
    if menu2 == 4:
        with open('data.txt', 'r') as data:
             for line in sorted(data.readlines(), key=lambda line:(line.split(' ')[3])):
               print(line, end='')

def average():
    if menu2 ==5:
        with open('data.txt', 'r') as data:
              sum = 10
              for line in sorted(data.readlines(), average == sum/(line.split(' ')[3])):
                print (average)
  1. Write a function that takes a text file and returns the numbers in a list. 编写一个接受文本文件并返回列表中数字的函数。 It may also take a parameter menu2 , that maybe the user will give at some point, but provide a default value for now. 它还可能需要一个参数menu2 ,也许用户会在某个时候给出,但现在提供一个默认值。
  2. Write a function that takes a list of numbers and computes the average that you want from them. 编写一个函数,该函数接受一个数字列表,并计算所需的平均值。
  3. Write tests with fixed input to make sure that the two functions above work, independently. 用固定的输入编写测试,以确保上述两个功能独立运行。 Give for instance a list of '1's to function 2. and see it it returns the expected average. 例如,给函数2提供一个“ 1”列表,然后看它返回预期的平均值。
  4. Write a function that listens to the user input, and calls function 1. accordingly. 编写一个侦听用户输入的函数,并相应地调用函数1.。 Call function 2. on the result. 在结果上调用函数2。

Some would say that you should even write the tests first, and code until the tests pass. 有人会说您甚至应该首先编写测试,然后编写代码直到测试通过。

Also, when you ask a question about code that does not work, always provide the error message you got. 另外,当您提出有关无法正常工作的代码的问题时,请始终提供得到的错误消息。

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