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正则表达式重复模式以捕获所有 HTML 表格列内容

[英]Regex Repeating Pattern to Capture All HTML Table Column Contents

I am attempting to capture all column contents within HTML tables.我正在尝试捕获 HTML 表中的所有列内容。 I'm very close, but my regex is only capturing the first column of each table.我非常接近,但我的正则表达式只捕获每个表的第一列。 What do I need to do to capture all of the columns?我需要做什么来捕获所有列?

Here is my regex and HTML: https://regex101.com/r/jA3sS6/1这是我的正则表达式和 HTML: https : //regex101.com/r/jA3sS6/1

Don't use regular expression, use a Parser instead!不要使用正则表达式,而是使用解析器!

Start with this:从这个开始:

$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->loadHTML( $html );
$xpath = new DOMXPath( $dom );

To retrieve all <td> :检索所有<td>

foreach( $dom->GetElementsByTagName( 'td' ) as $td )
    echo $td->nodeValue . PHP_EOL;

To retrieve all <td class="large-text"> :检索所有<td class="large-text">

foreach( $xpath->query( '//td[@class="large-text"]' ) as $td )
    echo $td->nodeValue . PHP_EOL;

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