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在C ++中使用SDL2的SDL_ttf“无法加载字体文件”

[英]SDL_ttf “Couldn't load font file” with SDL2 in c++

I have the following code to draw some text in an SDL2 application. 我有以下代码在SDL2应用程序中绘制一些文本。 When I build and run, I'm consistently seeing an error of TTF_OpenFont() Failed: Couldn't load font file . 在生成和运行时,始终会看到TTF_OpenFont() Failed: Couldn't load font file错误TTF_OpenFont() Failed: Couldn't load font file I've tried the following: 我尝试了以下方法:

  • Ensured the font file is in the current directory of running program. 确保字体文件在运行程序的当前目录中。 In fact, I've put the font in almost any directory the program could be running from and have tried with an absolute path. 实际上,我已经将字体放在程序可以从中运行的几乎任何目录中,并尝试使用绝对路径。
  • Setting different permissions and owning the file 设置不同的权限并拥有文件
  • Opening the file separately with SDL_RWFromFile as described here: http://www.gamedev.net/topic/275525-sdl_ttf-weirdness/ 如下所述,使用SDL_RWFromFile分别打开文件: http : SDL_RWFromFile
  • Downloaded and recompiled a newer version of SDL_ttf (2.0.14) 下载并重新编译了较新版本的SDL_ttf(2.0.14)

Here's my code: 这是我的代码:

 void SDLRenderer::drawText(
    const Vector2d& pos,
    string message,
    const Color& color)
  if(!TTF_WasInit()) {
    cerr << "TTF_Init failed " << TTF_GetError() << endl;
  TTF_Font* fixed = TTF_OpenFont("./DejaVuSansMono.ttf", 16);
  if (fixed == NULL) {
    cerr << "TTF_OpenFont() Failed: " << TTF_GetError() << endl;

I'm also calling TTF_Init() from the constructor of this code's class. 我还TTF_Init()代码的类的构造函数调用TTF_Init() I'm also a little unsure how to debug further because gdb doesn't even give a backtrace after the error and doesn't seem to let me step into the TTF_OpenFont function. 我也不太确定如何进一步调试,因为gdb甚至在错误发生后都没有提供回溯,而且似乎也无法让我进入TTF_OpenFont函数。

I ran into this issue and it was caused by linking against the incorrect version of the SDL_ttf library. 我遇到了这个问题,它是由链接到SDL_ttf库的错误版本引起的。 I was using SDL 2.0, but I was linking against libSDL_ttf.so instead of libSDL2_ttf.so . 我使用的是SDL 2.0,但是我链接的是libSDL_ttf.so而不是libSDL2_ttf.so libSDL_ttf.so is for SDL 1.2, and is not compatible with SDK 2.0. libSDL_ttf.so适用于SDL 1.2,并且与SDK 2.0不兼容。

My original command line was: 我原来的命令行是:

$ gcc -o showfont showfont.c `sdl2-config --cflags --libs` -lSDL_ttf
$ ./showfont /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf
Couldn't load 18 pt font from /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf: Couldn't load font file

I fixed it by linking against libSDL2_ttf.so instead: 我通过链接libSDL2_ttf.so来修复它:

$ gcc -o showfont showfont.c `sdl2-config --cflags --libs` -lSDL2_ttf
$ ./showfont /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf
Font is generally 21 big, and string is 21 big

The showfont.c program is an example included with SDL_ttf . showfont.c程序是SDL_ttf附带示例

My thoughts probably belong in a comment but I don't have enough reputation. 我的想法可能是在评论中,但是我没有足够的声誉。 You can make sure you're in the right directory by explicitly setting the current working directory ( chdir in unistd.h on Linux, or SetCurrentDirectory in windows.h on Windows). 您可以通过显式设置当前工作目录(Linux上的unistd.h中的chdir或Windows上的windows.h中的SetCurrentDirectory )来确保您在正确的目录中。 I don't think you need to include ./ in the file name. 我认为您不需要在文件名中包含./

I recall having problems with SDL_ttf when calling TTF_Init , TTF_Quit , and then TTF_Init again. 我记得在调用TTF_InitTTF_Quit和TTF_Init时, TTF_Init出现问题。 This may not be causing your problem but I would recommend doing your TTF_Init just once at the beginning of the program and TTF_Quit once at the end, not every time your constructor runs. 这可能不会造成您的问题,但我会建议做你TTF_Init只是一次在节目的开头和TTF_Quit一旦到了最后,不是每一个你的构造函数运行时间。

If this doesn't work look into building a debug version of SDL_ttf that will play nicer with GDB. 如果这样做不起作用,请考虑构建一个SDL_ttf调试版本,该版本将与GDB配合使用。

I've had your same problem and managed to fix it by entering the full path to the font. 我遇到了同样的问题,并设法通过输入字体的完整路径来解决它。

Instead of just passing the string "./font.ttf" 而不是仅传递字符串“ ./font.ttf”

I used: "/User/MyUsername/Projects/MyProject/font.tff" Hope this helps! 我用过:“ /User/MyUsername/Projects/MyProject/font.tff”希望这会有所帮助!

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