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[英]How to return a location as x,y,z

How can I make this return x and y, instead of just one of them? 我怎样才能使返回的x和y而不只是其中之一? In my Location class, I have protected data named x_pos and y_pos . 在Location类中,我保护了名为x_posy_pos数据。

void Location::getXY(double& x, double& y) const {
    x_pos = x;
    y_pos = y;
    return x, y;

You can return a std::pair . 您可以返回一个std::pair I am assuming you want to return by value and not by reference here. 我假设您想按值而不是此处引用返回。

#include <utility> // for std::pair 

// if using c++14, else use std::pair<double,double> as return type 
auto Location::getXY(double& x, double& y) const {
    x_pos = x;
    y_pos = y;
    return std::make_pair(x,y);

Although i must note that this function doesn't make logical sense, you are returning values which you passed to begin with without modifying them. 尽管我必须注意,此函数没有逻辑意义,但是您返回的是传递给它们的值,而无需修改它们。

You've probably meant 你可能是说

void Location::getXY(double& x, double& y) const {
    x = x_pos;
    y = y_pos;

This way you store Location 's internal x_pos and y_pos in provided locations. 这样,您将Location的内部x_posy_pos在提供的位置中。 You don't need to return anything from a function returning void (actually, you cannot return anything but void itself). 您不需要从返回void的函数return任何东西(实际上,除了void本身,您不能返回任何东西)。 As everyone said before, returning an std::pair might be a better idea. 正如大家之前所说,返回一个std::pair可能是一个更好的主意。

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