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[英]calculate an area based on x and y coordinates and width and height values in javascript

I have this problem I've been trying to solve by myself without any success. 我一直在尝试自己解决这个问题,但没有成功。

I have an object to represent a rectangle, with it's position (x,y) and its size (width and height). 我有一个对象代表一个矩形,它的位置(x,y)及其大小(宽度和高度)。

I have 2 lists, both contains the object mentioned before, one list represents the positive areas and the other represents the negative areas. 我有2个列表,两个列表都包含前面提到的对象,一个列表表示正区域,另一个列表表示负区域。

Based in this information, I need to get the total area that results if we add up all the elements in both positive and negative lists. 根据此信息,如果我们将肯定列表和否定列表中的所有元素加在一起,则需要获得结果的总面积。 I'm only interested in the result if the total area is a rectangle, otherwise it's irrelevant for me. 如果总面积是矩形,我只对结果感兴趣,否则对我来说无关紧要。

For example: If the positive list contains these 2 objects 例如:如果肯定列表包含这2个对象

{x:20, y:20, width:100, height:20} {x:20, y:40, width:80, height:80} {x:20,y:20,宽度:100,高度:20} {x:20,y:40,宽度:80,高度:80}

and the negative list contains this object 否定列表包含此对象

{x:100, y:20, width:20, height:20} {x:100,y:20,宽度:20,高度:20}

The result of adding these 3 objects would be: 添加这三个对象的结果将是:

{x:20, y:20, width:80, height:100} {x:20,y:20,宽度:80,高度:100}

This image shows the graphical representation of the 3 objects in those 2 lists and the result. 此图显示了这2个列表中的3个对象的图形表示形式和结果。


I appreciate any help you could bring. 感谢您能提供的任何帮助。

edit: I made a small correction in one of the 3 objects, and the coordinate system I'm using is cartesian system with reversed y-axis (as you can see in the next figure) 编辑:我对3个对象之一进行了较小的校正,并且我使用的坐标系是具有反向y轴的直角坐标系(如下图所示) 反向轴

This is not a simple question, and is more an algorithmic problem than a JavaScript problem. 这不是一个简单的问题,更多的是算法问题,而不是JavaScript问题。

This works with your example. 这适用于您的示例。

 var pos = [{x:20, y:20, width:100, height:20}, {x:20, y:40, width:80, height:80}]; var neg = [{x:100, y:20, width:20, height:20}]; // Fixed it x: 80 -> x: 100 // Create one single array of rectangles and add an attribute indicating if // a rectangle is neg or pos var rects = pos.map(function(o){ return Object.assign({pos: true}, o); }).concat(neg.map(function(o){ return Object.assign({pos: false}, o); })); // Combine two rectangles. function combine2Rects(r1, r2, maintainOrder){ // width addition if(r1.pos && r2.pos && r1.x === r2.x && r1.width === r2.width && r2.y === r1.y + r1.height){ return Object.assign({}, r1, { height: r1.height + r2.height }); // Height addition } else if(r1.pos && r2.pos && r1.y === r2.y && r2.x === r1.x + r1.width && r1.height === r2.height) { return Object.assign({}, r1, { width: r1.width + r2.width }); // Height bottom subtraction } else if(r1.pos && !r2.pos && r1.x === r2.x && r1.width === r2.width && r2.y === r1.y + r1.height - r2.height && r1.height - r2.height > 0){ return Object.assign({}, r1, { height: r1.height - r2.height }); // Height top subtraction } else if(r1.pos && !r2.pos && r1.x === r2.x && r1.width === r2.width && r2.y === r1.y && r1.height > r2.height){ return Object.assign({}, r1, { height: r1.height - r2.height, y: r1.y + r2.height }); // Width right subtraction } else if(r1.pos && !r2.pos && r1.y === r2.y && r1.height === r2.height && r2.x === r1.x + r1.width - r2.width && r1.width - r2.width > 0){ return Object.assign({}, r1, { width: r1.width - r2.width }); // Width left subtraction } else if(r1.pos && !r2.pos && r1.y === r2.y && r1.height === r2.height && r2.x === r1.x && r2.width < r1.width){ return Object.assign({}, r1, { x: r1.x + r2.width, width: r1.width - r2.width }); // If two negative rectangle, treat them as pos then invert them again. } else if(!r1.pos && !r2.pos){ var invertedResult = combine2Rects( Object.assign({}, r1, { pos: true }), Object.assign({}, r2, { pos: true }), maintainOrder ); if(invertedResult){ invertedResult.pos = false; return invertedResult; } // try with r2 at the place of r1 and vice-versa } else if(!maintainOrder){ return combine2Rects(r2, r1, true); } } function combineRects(rects){ var lastN = 0; var result = rects.slice(); // While we still made at least one combination debugger while(result.length !== lastN){ lastN = result.length; // For each rectangle in the list for(var i=0; i<result.length; i++){ var r1 = result[i]; // Try to combine it with one of the following rectangles in the list for(var j=i+1; j<result.length; j++){ var r2 = result[j]; var c = combine2Rects(r1, r2); if(c){ // replace the combined rectangle by the combination result[i] = c; // and remove the rectangle it has been combined with result.splice(j, 1); break; } } } } return result; } document.write(JSON.stringify(combineRects(rects))); 

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