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德鲁巴 | 在线培训| 每月会员船

[英]Drupal | online training | monthly member ship

Is there any specific module will full my below requirement是否有任何特定模块可以满足我的以下要求

  1. Allow admin to create course, course contain 5 slots, each slot time duration is one month允许管理员创建课程,课程包含5个槽,每个槽持续时间为一个月
    1. Need to integrate the payment gateway需要集成支付网关
    2. Assume if student paid first lot course payment, system allow this student to view the video, after one month slot time get exipre假设如果学生支付了第一批课程费用,系统允许该学生观看视频,一个月后时间会过期
    3. If the student paid for 2md slot, the system should allow this student to view the slot 1 and slot 2 video如果学生支付了 2md slot,系统应该允许该学生查看 slot 1 和 slot 2 的视频
    4. Assume if he failed to pay the 3rd slot, system should not allow him view any slots,假设如果他没有支付第三个插槽,系统应该不允许他查看任何插槽,

Please suggest way to do the above requirement in drupal.请建议在drupal中执行上述要求的方法。

Keys: Drupal, lms, payment gateways, user restriction密钥:Drupal、lms、支付网关、用户限制

I recommend Ubercart and Nodeaccess .我推荐UbercartNodeaccess

In the context of each of your requirements, you may set it all up the following way:在您的每个要求的上下文中,您可以通过以下方式进行设置:

  1. Allow admin to create course, course contain 5 slots, each slot time duration is one month允许管理员创建课程,课程包含5个槽,每个槽持续时间为一个月

Create user roles for each of your 5 slots and grant access to the video content (or whatever other content you have) accordingly.为您的 5 个插槽中的每一个创建用户角色,并相应地授予对视频内容(或您拥有的任何其他内容)的访问权限。 So you will have 5 different user roles (apart from the authenticated user role) each user role having access to its own slot.因此,您将拥有 5 个不同的用户角色(除了经过身份验证的用户角色),每个用户角色都可以访问自己的插槽。

  1. Need to integrate the payment gateway需要集成支付网关

Enable uc_payment, uc_credit, uc_paypal and any other Ubercart Payment submodules.启用 uc_payment、uc_credit、uc_paypal 和任何其他 Ubercart 付款子模块。 Configure your payment gateway under admin/store/settings/payment在 admin/store/settings/payment 下配置您的支付网关

  1. Assume if student paid first lot course payment, system allow this student to view the video, after one month slot time get exipre假设如果学生支付了第一批课程费用,系统允许该学生观看视频,一个月后时间会过期

Configure product settings on the admin/store/settings/products:在 admin/store/settings/products 上配置产品设置:

  • Check ON the previously created 5 user roles as Product roles and set the DEFAULT ROLE EXPIRATION to 30 days.选中之前创建的 5 个用户角色作为产品角色,并将 DEFAULT ROLE EXPIRATION 设置为 30 天。
  • Add products 5 products representing your 5 slots on node/add/product (the Product content type is created when installing Ubercart).添加产品 5 个产品代表您在 node/add/product 上的 5 个插槽(产品内容类型是在安装 Ubercart 时创建的)。 Set the "Sell price" and tick off the "Product is shippable" option.设置“销售价格”并勾选“产品可发货”选项。 Save.节省。
  • For each of the created products, go to edit form and click on "features" tab (node/%/edit/feature).对于每个创建的产品,转到编辑表单并单击“功能”选项卡(节点/%/编辑/功能)。 Select "Role assignment" on the "Add a new feature" dropdown and click Add.在“添加新功能”下拉菜单中选择“角色分配”,然后单击“添加”。 Select the Role you would like to assign and Save.选择您要分配的角色并保存。

Thus, you will have 5 products available to purchase.因此,您将有 5 种产品可供购买。 The user will be added to the corresponding user role upon successful payment, hence, will have access to the corresponding slot.支付成功后,用户将被添加到相应的用户角色,因此,将有权访问相应的插槽。

  1. If the student paid for 2md slot, the system should allow this student to view the slot 1 and slot 2 video如果学生支付了 2md slot,系统应该允许该学生查看 slot 1 和 slot 2 的视频

Now this can be achieved by adding more more user roles (as described in item 3) for each of the subsequent products.现在,这可以通过为每个后续产品添加更多用户角色(如第 3 条所述)来实现。 So you will end up:所以你最终会:

  • On purchasing "Product 1" the user will be assigned "Role 1".在购买“产品 1”时,用户将被分配“角色 1”。
  • On purchasing "Product 2" the user will be assigned "Role 1, Role 2".在购买“产品 2”时,用户将被分配“角色 1,角色 2”。
  • On purchasing "Product 3" the user will be assigned "Role 1, Role 2, Role 3".在购买“产品 3”时,用户将被分配“角色 1、角色 2、角色 3”。
  • etc..等等..
  1. Assume if he failed to pay the 3rd slot, system should not allow him view any slots,假设如果他没有支付第三个插槽,系统应该不允许他查看任何插槽,

You may use nodeaccess to restrict access to the subsequent slots.您可以使用nodeaccess来限制对后续插槽的访问。 Say:说:

  • The user with Role 1 will have access to purchase Product 2;具有角色 1 的用户将有权购买产品 2;
  • The user with Role 2 will have access to purchase Product 3;具有角色 2 的用户将有权购买产品 3;
  • etc...等等...

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