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Python / Pandas —将日期和小时列转换为小时索引

[英]Python/Pandas — convert day and hour columns into index of hour

I have a Data Frame that looks like this: 我有一个看起来像这样的数据框:

         Date    Hr    CO2_resp
0      5/1/02   600    0.000889
1      5/2/02   600    0.000984
2      5/4/02   900    0.000912

How would I go about creating a column Ind that represents a number index of hours elapsed since midnight 5/1/02? 我将如何创建一个列Ind来表示自午夜5/1/02以来经过的小时数的索引? Such that the column would read 这样,该列将显示为

         Date    Hr   Ind      CO2_resp
0      5/1/02   600     6      0.000889
1      5/2/02   600    30      0.000984
2      5/4/02   800    80      0.000912

Thanks. 谢谢。

Assuming that the Date is a string, and Hr is an integer, you could apply a function to parse the Date , get the hours (days * 24) from the timedelta with your reference date, and add the hours. 假设Date是一个字符串,并且Hr是一个整数,则可以应用一个函数来解析Date ,从timedelta带有您的参考日期的小时数(天* 24),然后添加小时数。

Something like this - 像这样-

df.apply(lambda x: 
     (datetime.datetime.strptime(x['Date'], '%m/%d/%y')
      - datetime.datetime.strptime('5/1/02', '%m/%d/%y')).days
     * 24 + x['Hr'] / 100,

You can use to_datetime with to_timedelta . 您可以将to_datetimeto_timedelta to_datetime使用。 Then convert timedelta to hours by np.timedelta64(1, 'h') and last if type of output is always int , cast by astype : 然后通过np.timedelta64(1, 'h')timedelta转换为hours ,如果输出的type始终是int ,则通过astype

#convert column Date to datetime
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df.Date)

df['Ind'] = ((df.Date 
              - pd.to_datetime('2002-05-01') 
              + pd.to_timedelta(df.Hr / 100, unit='h')) / np.timedelta64(1, 'h')).astype(int)
print (df)
        Date   Hr  CO2_resp  ind
0 2002-05-01  600  0.000889    6
1 2002-05-02  600  0.000984   30
2 2002-05-04  900  0.000912   81

If not dividing by 100 column Hr , output is different: 如果不除以100Hr ,则输出将不同:

df['Ind'] = ((df.Date 
              - pd.to_datetime('2002-05-01') 
              + pd.to_timedelta(df.Hr,unit='h')) / np.timedelta64(1, 'h')).astype(int)
print (df)
        Date   Hr  CO2_resp  Ind
0 2002-05-01  600  0.000889  600
1 2002-05-02  600  0.000984  624
2 2002-05-04  900  0.000912  972

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