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测量C ++中函数调用的执行时间

[英]Measure the execution time of a function call in C++

How can I measure the execution time of a line of code in C++ in Windows . 如何在Windows中使用C++测量一行代码的执行时间。 I am inserting about 1,00,000 records boost::multi_index_container as follows: 我正在插入约1,00,000条记录boost::multi_index_container ,如下所示:

while(...) //read a single record from a csv file until EOF
    while(...) // split the record into components based on delimiter
    //insert into boost::multi_index_container

I need to find the time required to insert all the records, but without the execution time of loops. 我需要找到插入所有记录所需的时间,但是没有循环的执行时间。 Starting a timer or anything just before insert function and calculating the elapsed time just after the function call gives 0 nanoseconds as the result. 在插入函数之前启动timer或任何其他操作,并在函数调用之后立即计算经过的时间,结果为0 nanoseconds So I cannot calculate the time by summing up the individual times. 因此,我无法通过汇总各个时间来计算时间。 What is the solution? 解决办法是什么?


possible duplicate of How to calculate a time difference in C++ . C ++如何计算时差的可能重复项。 There are many ways to do this. 有很多方法可以做到这一点。 One that I like uses chrono. 我喜欢的一款使用chrono。

   #include <iostream>
   #include <chrono>

   using namespace std;
   using namespace std::chrono;

   int main()
    high_resolution_clock::time_point t1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
    //your code here
    high_resolution_clock::time_point t2 = high_resolution_clock::now();

    auto duration = duration_cast<microseconds>( t2 - t1 ).count();

    cout << duration;
    return 0;

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