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Typoscript COA中的TYPO3扩展无法识别默认控制器

[英]TYPO3 Extension in Typoscript COA does not recognize Default Controller

I am trying to override a Marker within my Typoscript with content rendered by my custom created extension. 我试图用我自定义创建的扩展程序呈现的内容覆盖Typoscript中的标记。

As far as I know It should work like this (Where MENU_PRODUKT_CATEGORIES ) is my Marker: 据我所知,它应该像这样工作(在MENU_PRODUKT_CATEGORIES )是我的标记:

            10 = USER
            10 {
                userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run
                extensionName = MoTimeProducts
                pluginName = Products
                vendorName = products
                controller = Category
                action = parentList

The extensionName and related configurations also seem correct to me. extensionName和相关配置对我来说似乎也是正确的。 When I var_dump() my ext_localconf.php configuratin this is displayed: 当我var_dump()我的ext_localconf.php配置文件显示时:

My first Parameter where MoTimeProducts is my extensionName and products my vendorName. 我的第一个参数,其中MoTimeProducts是我的extensionName,产品是我的vendorName。 Is this correct? 这个对吗?


The second Parameter should be the pluginName and seems ok, too. 第二个参数应该是pluginName,看起来也不错。


This is how my complete ext_localconf configuration looks like: 这是我完整的ext_localconf配置的样子:

if (!defined('TYPO3_MODE')) {
    die('Access denied.');

    'MoTimeProducts.' . $_EXTKEY,
        'Category' => 'list, parentList',
        'Product' => 'list, show, filter, ajaxFilter, refList',
        'Formular' => 'display'
    // non-cacheable actions
        'Category' => '',
        'Product' => 'ajaxFilter, list',
        'Formular' => 'display'

My Controller and Action configuration seems fine also. 我的Controller and Action配置似乎也不错。 Below my action within the CategoryController 在我在CategoryController中的动作下面

 * action list
 * @return void
public function parentListAction() {
    $this->view->assign('categories', $currentCategory = $this->categoryRepository->getHighestLevelCategories($GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_uid));

I also have a flex form for the Backend configuration and inserting plugins could this also be a reason? 我还有一个用于后端配置的flex表单,插入插件也可能是原因吗?

Thx for reading. 谢谢你的阅读。

Oh wow it was 哦,哇

                10 = USER
                10 {
                    userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run
                    pluginName = Products
                    extensionName = Products
                    vendorName = MoTimeProducts
                    controller = Category
                    action = list
                    switchableControllerActions {
                        Category {
                            1 = parentList

Where vendorName with a combination of lowercased plugin name is the first paramater for the plugin configuration. 其中vendorName和小写的插件名称的组合是插件配置的第一个参数。

Edit: Turns out it is very bad practice to have the same name for the plugin/extension which can lead to confusion and errors. 编辑:事实证明,为插件/扩展名使用相同名称是非常糟糕的做法,这可能导致混乱和错误。 One should avoid doing it like I did at all cost! 应该避免像我不惜一切代价那样做!

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