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[英]Better Voice for Twilio

I am looking for a better alternative to the 'Alice' voice provided by Twilio. 我正在寻找Twilio提供的“ Alice”语音的更好替代方案。 I am pretty sure Twilio only provides two basic default voices along with 'Alice', a more robust version able to more effectively enunciate text. 我很确定Twilio仅提供两个基本的默认声音以及“ Alice”,后者是一个更强大的版本,能够更有效地朗读文本。 The only problem is that 'Alice' does not sound as natural as other voices used by other services known to be using Twilio. 唯一的问题是“爱丽丝”听起来不像其他已知正在使用Twilio的服务所使用的其他声音那样自然。 Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to access a better voice? 有没有人建议如何获得更好的声音? The messages in the call flows will be somewhat dynamic so I don't think using recordings would be practical. 呼叫流程中的消息将是动态的,因此我认为使用录音不切实际。

Thanks! 谢谢!

Alice is our most advanced voice that supports additional languages and locales. 爱丽丝(Alice)是我们最先进的声音,支持其他语言和语言环境。

Some things you can try to make Alice work better for you might include looking at the <Pause> verb for more deliberate separation between sentences. 您可以尝试使Alice更好地工作的某些事情可能包括查看<Pause>动词,以使句子之间有更大的区分。

If you'd like to get additional control as it sounds like you have experienced with other services using Twilio, you could consider prerecording the static parts and deliver them using <Play> and only using <Say> for your dynamic content, though I know this isn't ideal. 如果您想获得更多控制权(听起来好像您已经使用Twilio体验过其他服务),则可以考虑预先录制静态部分,并使用<Play>并仅将<Say>用作动态内容来交付它们,尽管我知道这不是理想的。

There are some additional hints here https://www.twilio.com/docs/api/twiml/say#hints . 这里还有一些其他提示https://www.twilio.com/docs/api/twiml/say#hints

I hope this helps! 我希望这有帮助!

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