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Twilio 录音

[英]Twilio Voice Recording

I am using the twilio JS client to make call from the web.我正在使用 twilio JS 客户端从 web 进行调用。 the client call the backend to get the token.客户端调用后端获取令牌。 Here the backend code that returns the token.这里是返回令牌的后端代码。 How to record the call.如何记录通话。 mean where to set the recording url.表示在哪里设置录音 url。 The call is successfull.通话成功。 But don't know where to pass the recording url.但是不知道从哪里传录音url。

public function newToken(Request $request)
        $accountSid = config('services.twilio')['accountSid'];
        $applicationSid = config('services.twilio')['applicationSid'];
        $apiKey = config('services.twilio')['apiKey'];
        $apiSecret = config('services.twilio')['apiSecret'];

        $voiceGrant = new VoiceGrant();



        $token = $this->accessToken->toJWT();

        return response()->json(['token' => $token]);

On JS side the code which uses the client side library of twillio.在 JS 端,使用 twillio 客户端库的代码。

const Device = Twilio.Device;

// Store some selectors for elements we'll reuse
var callStatus = $("#call-status");
var answerButton = $(".answer-button");
var callSupportButton = $(".call-support-button");
var hangUpButton = $(".hangup-button");
var callCustomerButtons = $(".call-customer-button");

var device = null;

function updateCallStatus(status) {
    callStatus.attr('placeholder', status);

/* Get a Twilio Client token with an AJAX request */
$(document).ready(function() {

function setupHandlers(device) {
    device.on('ready', function(_device) {

    /* Report any errors to the call status display */
    device.on('error', function(error) {
        updateCallStatus("ERROR: " + error.message);

    /* Callback for when Twilio Client initiates a new connection */
    device.on('connect', function(connection) {
        // Enable the hang up button and disable the call buttons
        hangUpButton.prop("disabled", false);
        callCustomerButtons.prop("disabled", true);
        callSupportButton.prop("disabled", true);
        answerButton.prop("disabled", true);

        // If phoneNumber is part of the connection, this is a call from a
        // support agent to a customer's phone
        if ("phoneNumber" in connection.message) {
            updateCallStatus("In call with " + connection.message.phoneNumber);
        } else {
            // This is a call from a website user to a support agent
            updateCallStatus("In call with support");

    /* Callback for when a call ends */
    device.on('disconnect', function(connection) {
        // Disable the hangup button and enable the call buttons
        hangUpButton.prop("disabled", true);
        callCustomerButtons.prop("disabled", false);
        callSupportButton.prop("disabled", false);


    /* Callback for when Twilio Client receives a new incoming call */
    device.on('incoming', function(connection) {
        updateCallStatus("Incoming support call");

        // Set a callback to be executed when the connection is accepted
        connection.accept(function() {
            updateCallStatus("In call with customer");

        // Set a callback on the answer button and enable it
        answerButton.click(function() {
        answerButton.prop("disabled", false);

function setupClient() {
    $.post("/token", {
        forPage: window.location.pathname,
        _token: $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
    }).done(function(data) {
        // Set up the Twilio Client device with the token
        device = new Device();

    }).fail(function() {
        updateCallStatus("Could not get a token from server!");


/* Call a customer from a support ticket */
window.callCustomer = function(phoneNumber) {
    updateCallStatus("Calling " + phoneNumber + "...");

    var params = { "phoneNumber": phoneNumber };

/* Call the support_agent from the home page */
window.callSupport = function() {
    updateCallStatus("Calling support...");

    // Our backend will assume that no params means a call to support_agent

/* End a call */
window.hangUp = function() {

I'll assume that the TwiML generated by the URL you have set on your TwiML Application includes the verb in order to connect the incoming Client call to something like a PSTN number.我假设您在 TwiML 应用程序上设置的 URL 生成的 TwiML 包含动词,以便将传入的客户端呼叫连接到类似 PSTN 号码的东西。

If that assumption is correct then you can include the record attribute on that verb:如果该假设是正确的,那么您可以在该动词上包含record属性:

 <Dial record="record-from-ringing-dual"
   recordingStatusCallbackEvent="in-progress completed absent">

Use record-from-answer-dual or record-from-ringing-dual record values for dual-channel recordings, with the parent and child calls in different stereo tracks.对双通道录音使用从应答双记录或从振铃双记录记录值,父子呼叫在不同的立体声轨道中。

See the support article Recording a Phone Call with Twilio for more details.有关更多详细信息,请参阅支持文章使用 Twilio 录制电话

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