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从 SQL 查询创建 Spark 数据帧

[英]Create Spark Dataframe from SQL Query

I'm sure this is a simple SQLContext question, but I can't find any answer in the Spark docs or Stackoverflow我确定这是一个简单的 SQLContext 问题,但我在 Spark 文档或 Stackoverflow 中找不到任何答案

I want to create a Spark Dataframe from a SQL Query on MySQL我想从 MySQL 上的 SQL 查询创建一个 Spark 数据帧

For example, I have a complicated MySQL query like例如,我有一个复杂的 MySQL 查询,如

SELECT a.X,b.Y,c.Z FROM FOO as a JOIN BAR as b ON ... JOIN ZOT as c ON ... WHERE ...

and I want a Dataframe with Columns X,Y and Z我想要一个包含 X、Y 和 Z 列的数据框

I figured out how to load entire tables into Spark, and I could load them all, and then do the joining and selection there.我想出了如何将整个表加载到 Spark 中,我可以将它们全部加载,然后在那里进行连接和选择。 However, that is very inefficient.然而,这是非常低效的。 I just want to load the table generated by my SQL query.我只想加载由我的 SQL 查询生成的表。

Here is my current approximation of the code, that doesn't work.这是我目前的代码近似值,它不起作用。 Mysql-connector has an option "dbtable" that can be used to load a whole table. Mysql-connector 有一个选项“dbtable”,可用于加载整个表。 I am hoping there is some way to specify a query我希望有某种方式来指定查询

  val df = sqlContext.format("jdbc").
    option("url", "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/local_content").
    option("driver", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").
    option("useUnicode", "true").
    option("useSSL", "false").
    option("user", "root").
    option("password", "").
select dl.DialogLineID, dlwim.Sequence, wi.WordRootID from Dialog as d
join DialogLine as dl on dl.DialogID=d.DialogID
join DialogLineWordInstanceMatch as dlwim o n dlwim.DialogLineID=dl.DialogLineID
join WordInstance as wi on wi.WordInstanceID=dlwim.WordInstanceID
join WordRoot as wr on wr.WordRootID=wi.WordRootID
where d.InSite=1 and dl.Active=1
limit 100

I found this here Bulk data migration through Spark SQL我在这里找到了通过 Spark SQL 进行批量数据迁移

The dbname parameter can be any query wrapped in parenthesis with an alias. dbname 参数可以是用别名括在括号中的任何查询。 So in my case, I need to do this:所以就我而言,我需要这样做:

val query = """
  (select dl.DialogLineID, dlwim.Sequence, wi.WordRootID from Dialog as d
    join DialogLine as dl on dl.DialogID=d.DialogID
    join DialogLineWordInstanceMatch as dlwim on dlwim.DialogLineID=dl.DialogLineID
    join WordInstance as wi on wi.WordInstanceID=dlwim.WordInstanceID
    join WordRoot as wr on wr.WordRootID=wi.WordRootID
    where d.InSite=1 and dl.Active=1
    limit 100) foo

val df = sqlContext.format("jdbc").
  option("url", "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/local_content").
  option("driver", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").
  option("useUnicode", "true").
  option("useSSL", "false").
  option("user", "root").
  option("password", "").

As expected, loading each table as its own Dataframe and joining them in Spark was very inefficient.正如预期的那样,将每个表作为自己的 Dataframe 加载并将它们加入 Spark 的效率非常低。

如果您的table已经在SQLContext 中注册,则可以简单地使用sql方法。

val resultDF = sqlContext.sql("SELECT a.X,b.Y,c.Z FROM FOO as a JOIN BAR as b ON ... JOIN ZOT as c ON ... WHERE ...")

to save the output of a query to a new dataframe, simple set the result equal to a variable:要将查询的输出保存到新的数据帧,只需将结果设置为一个变量即可:

val newDataFrame = spark.sql("SELECT a.X,b.Y,c.Z FROM FOO as a JOIN BAR as b ON ... JOIN ZOT as c ON ... WHERE ...")

and now newDataFrame is a dataframe with all the dataframe functionalities available to it.现在newDataFrame是一个具有所有可用数据newDataFrame功能的数据newDataFrame

TL;DR: just create a view in your database. TL;DR:只需在您的数据库中创建一个视图。

Detail: I have a table t_city in my postgres database, on which I create a view:详细信息:我的 postgres 数据库中有一个表 t_city,我在该表上创建了一个视图:

create view v_city_3500 as
    select asciiname, country, population, elevation
    from t_city
    where elevation>3500
    and population>100000

select * from v_city_3500;

 asciiname | country | population | elevation
 Potosi    | BO      |     141251 |      3967
 Oruro     | BO      |     208684 |      3936
 La Paz    | BO      |     812799 |      3782
 Lhasa     | CN      |     118721 |      3651
 Puno      | PE      |     116552 |      3825
 Juliaca   | PE      |     245675 |      3834

In the spark-shell:在火花壳中:

val sx= new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)

var props=new java.util.Properties()
props.setProperty("driver", "org.postgresql.Driver" )
val url="jdbc:postgresql://buya/dmn?user=dmn&password=dmn"

val city_df=sx.read.jdbc(url=url,table="t_city",props)
val city_3500_df=sx.read.jdbc(url=url,table="v_city_3500",props)


Long = 145725

Long = 6

with MYSQL read/loading data something like below使用 MYSQL 读取/加载数据,如下所示

val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("SparkMe Application").setMaster("local[2]")
    val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
    val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
    val jdbcDF = sqlContext.read.format("jdbc").options(
      Map("url" -> "jdbc:mysql://<host>:3306/corbonJDBC?user=user&password=password",
        "dbtable" -> "TABLE_NAME")).load()

write data to table as below将数据写入表,如下所示

import java.util.Properties
    val prop = new Properties()
    prop.put("user", "<>")
    prop.put("password", "simple$123")
    val dfWriter = jdbcDF.write.mode("append")
    dfWriter.jdbc("jdbc:mysql://<host>:3306/corbonJDBC?user=user&password=password", "tableName", prop)

to create dataframe from query do something like below要从查询创建数据框,请执行以下操作

val finalModelDataDF = {
      val query = "select * from table_name"


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