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[英]Scala: Set operations that update the collection?

I am looking at the mutable Set class and see union , intersect , diff , etc. All of these set operations create a new Set . 我正在查看可变的Set类,并查看unionintersectdiff等。所有这些set操作都会创建一个新的Set I was curious if there is a way to update the Set rather than create a new one. 我很好奇是否有一种方法可以更新Set而不是创建一个新Set Otherwise, I have to switch from val to var or I have to follow up with additional steps. 否则,我必须从val切换到var或者必须执行其他步骤。

In case I'm not being clear, consider .NET's HashSet class. 如果我不清楚,请考虑.NET的HashSet类。 It has IntersectWith , ExceptWith and UnionWith that modify the collection. 它具有IntersectWithExceptWithUnionWith来修改集合。 Whereas the LINQ extension methods Intersect , Except and Union create new collections. 而LINQ扩展方法IntersectExceptUnion创建新的集合。 I'm hoping to find something equivalent to the "With" variants. 我希望找到与“ With”变体等效的东西。

Here's an inefficient approach that rebuilds the collection from scratch: 这是一种从头开始重建集合的低效方法:

val temp = original.diff(other)
original ++= temp

Obviously, it would be more efficient to do this: 显然,这样做会更有效:

for (value <- other if original.contains(value)) {

See: http://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/collections/sets.html#operations-in-class-mutableset 请参阅: http : //docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/collections/sets.html#operations-in-class-mutableset

For example: 例如:

Additions: xs += x Adds element x to set xs as a side effect and returns xs itself. 添加:xs + = x添加元素x以将xs设置为副作用,并返回xs本身。

So just ignore the returned value. 因此,只需忽略返回的值。 The set should be updated in-place. 该集应就地更新。

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