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[英]F# recursive function exit?

I am very new to F# programming. 我对F#编程很新。 I am looking for an answer as to why the following recursive function will exit when the n=0 condition is reached. 我正在寻找一个答案,为什么当达到n = 0条件时,下面的递归函数将退出。 Does the "then 1" syntax have a special meaning that equates to EXIT? “then 1”语法是否具有等同于EXIT的特殊含义?

let rec factorial n = 
    if n = 0 
    then 1 
    else n * factorial (n - 1)

Functional programming languages are expression oriented , as opposed to statement oriented. 函数式编程语言是面向表达式的 ,而不是面向语句的。 This means that everything is an expression that can be evaluated into a value. 这意味着一切都是可以计算为值的表达式。

The control flow structures, if and match , are also just expressions. 控制流结构ifmatch也只是表达式。 The compiler checks that all branches of these expressions return the same type. 编译器检查这些表达式的所有分支是否返回相同的类型。

If you're familiar with the conditional ternary operator in other languages, F#'s expression if true then 1 else 0 , is equivalent to true ? 1 : 0 如果你熟悉其他语言中的条件三元运算符,那么F#的表达式if true then 1 else 0 ,则等于为true ? 1 : 0 true ? 1 : 0 . true ? 1 : 0

Furthermore, the function doesn't "exit" as such. 此外,该功能不会“退出”。 It completes evaluation. 它完成了评估。 Each instance of the function (there will be n + 1 instances) completes evaluation at the end of the if / then / else expression. 函数的每个实例(将有n + 1实例)在if / then / else表达式的末尾完成评估。

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