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根据C ++中的运行时字符串选择模板

[英]Choose template based on run-time string in C++

I have an attribute vector that can hold different types: 我有一个属性向量,可以包含不同的类型:

class base_attribute_vector; // no template args

template<typename T>
class raw_attribute_vector : public base_attribute_vector;

raw_attribute_vector<int> foo;
raw_attribute_vector<std::string> foo;

Based on run-time input for the type, I would like to create the appropriate data structure. 根据类型的运行时输入,我想创建适当的数据结构。 Pseudocode: 伪代码:

std::string type("int");
raw_attribute_vector<type> foo;

Obviously, this fails. 显然,这失败了。 An easy, but ugly and unmaintainable workaround is a run-time switch/chained if: 如果出现以下情况,一个简单但丑陋且难以维护的解决方法是运行时切换/链接:

base_attribute_vector *foo;
if(type == "int") foo = new raw_attribute_vector<int>;
else if(type == "string") ...

I read about run-time polymorphism with functors, but found it quite complex for a task that is conceptually easy. 我读到了有关仿函数的运行时多态性,但发现它对于概念上容易的任务来说非常复杂。

What is the best and cleanest way to make this work? 使这项工作最好,最干净的方法是什么? I played around with boost::hana , finding that while I can create a mapping from string to type, the lookup can only be done at compile time: 我玩了boost::hana ,发现虽然我可以创建从字符串到类型的映射,但查找只能在编译时完成:

auto types = 
    hana::make_pair(BOOST_HANA_STRING("int"), hana::type_c<int>),
    hana::make_pair(BOOST_HANA_STRING("string"), hana::type_c<std::string>)

All possible types are known at compile-time. 所有可能的类型在编译时都是已知的。 Any suggestions are highly appreciated. 任何建议都非常感谢。 In a perfect solution, I would create the name->type mapping in a single place. 在一个完美的解决方案中,我将在一个地方创建名称 - >类型映射。 Afterwards, I would use it like this 之后,我会像这样使用它

std::vector<base_attribute_vector*> foo;

foo.push_back(magic::make_templated<raw_attribute_vector, "int">);
foo.push_back(magic::make_templated<raw_attribute_vector, "std::string">);



It is not required for this magic to happen at compile time. 这种魔法不需要在编译时发生。 My goal is to have as readable code as possible. 我的目标是拥有尽可能可读的代码。

I'd use an std::map that has strings as key and std::function as values. 我使用std::map ,其中字符串作为键, std::function作为值。 I would associate the string with a function that returns your type. 我会将字符串与返回您的类型的函数相关联。 Here's an example: 这是一个例子:

using functionType = std::function<std::unique_ptr<base_attribute_vector>()>;
std::map<std::string, functionType> theMap;

theMap.emplace("int", []{ return new raw_attribute_vector<int>; });
theMap.emplace("float", []{ return new raw_attribute_vector<float>; });

// Using the map
auto base_vec = theMap["int"](); // base_vec is an instance of raw_attribute_vector<int>

Of course, this solution is valid if you only know the string value at runtime. 当然,如果您只在运行时知道字符串值,则此解决方案有效。

enum class Type
    // ...

Type TypeFromString(const std::string& s)
    if (s == "int") { return Type::Int; }
    if (s == "string") { return Type::String; }
    // ...
    return Type::Unknown;

template <template <typename> class>
struct base_of;

template <template <typename> class C>
using base_of_t = typename base_of<C>::type;

And then the generic factory 然后是通用工厂

template <template <typename> class C>
std::unique_ptr<base_of_t<C>> make_templated(const std::string& typeStr)
    Type type = TypeFromString(typeStr);
    static const std::map<Type, std::function<std::unique_ptr<base_of_t<C>>()>> factory{
        {Type::Int, [] { return std::make_unique<C<int>>(); } },
        {Type::String, [] { return std::make_unique<C<std::string>>(); } },
        // ...
        {Type::Unknown, [] { return nullptr; } }
    return factory.at(type)();

a specialization is needed for each base: 每个基地都需要专业化:

template <>
struct base_of<raw_attribute_vector> {
    using type = base_attribute_vector;

And then 然后

auto p = make_templated<raw_attribute_vector>(s);

Demo 演示

I'd probably do something like this: 我可能会这样做:

Features: 特征:

  • 1 - time registration of objects by passing a named prototype 1 - 通过传递命名原型来注册对象

  • constant time lookup at runtime 运行时的常量时间查找

  • lookup by any type which can be compared to std::string 可以与std::string进行比较的任何类型的查找

- -

#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>

struct base_attribute_vector { virtual ~base_attribute_vector() = default; };

template<class Type> struct attribute_vector : base_attribute_vector {};

// copyable singleton makes handling a breeze    
struct vector_factory
    using ptr_type = std::unique_ptr<base_attribute_vector>;

    template<class T>
    vector_factory add(std::string name, T)
                                       []() -> ptr_type
                                           return std::make_unique< attribute_vector<T> >();
        return *this;


    template<class StringLike>
    ptr_type create(StringLike&& s) const {
        return get_impl()._generators.at(s)();

    using generator_type = std::function<ptr_type()>;

    struct impl
        std::unordered_map<std::string, generator_type, std::hash<std::string>, std::equal_to<>> _generators;


    static impl& get_impl() {
        static impl _ {};
        return _;


// one-time registration

static const auto factory =
.add("int", int())
.add("double", double())
.add("string", std::string());

int main()
    auto v = factory.create("int");
    auto is = vector_factory().create("int");

    auto strs = vector_factory().create("string");


You cannot do this. 你不能做这个。 At best, you need to support a limited number of types, and switch between them using an if statement that can be evaluated at compile time. 最好的情况是,您需要支持有限数量的类型,并使用可在编译时评估的if语句在它们之间切换。

Short answer: no, you can't instruct the compiler to evaluate a runtime condition in compile time. 简短回答:不,你不能指示编译器在编译时评估运行时条件。 Not even with hana. 甚至没有hana。

Long answer: there are some (mostly language independent) patterns for this. 答案很长:有一些(主要是语言无关的)模式。

I'm assuming that your base_attribute_vector has some virtual method, most likely pure , commonly called an interface in other languages. 我假设你的base_attribute_vector有一些virtual方法,很可能是pure ,通常称为其他语言的interface

Which means that depending on the complexity of your real problem, you probably want a factory or an abstract factory . 这意味着,根据您真实问题的复杂性,您可能需要工厂抽象工厂

You could create a factory or abstract factory without virtual methods in C++, and you could use hana for that. 你可以在C ++中创建一个没有虚方法的工厂或抽象工厂,你可以使用hana。 But the question is: is the added complexity really worth it for that (possibly really minor) performance gain? 但问题是:增加的复杂性是否真的值得(可能是非常小的)性能提升?

(also if you want to eliminate every virtual call, even from base_attribute_vector , you have to make everything using that class a template, after the entry point where the switch happens) (如果你想消除每一个虚拟调用,即使是从base_attribute_vector ,你必须在切换发生的入口点之后使用该类作为模板的所有内容

I mean, have you implemented this with virtual methods, and measured that the cost of the virtual calls is too significant? 我的意思是,您是否通过虚拟方法实现了这一点,并测量了虚拟呼叫的成本是否过高?

Edit: another, but different solution could be using a variant type with visitors, like eggs::variant . 编辑:另一个,但不同的解决方案可能是使用带访问者的变体类型,如eggs :: variant

With variant , you can create classes with functions for each parameter type, and the apply method will switch which function to run based on it's runtime type. 使用variant ,您可以为每个参数类型创建具有函数的类, apply方法将根据其运行时类型切换要运行的函数。

Something like: 就像是:

struct handler {
  void operator()(TypeA const&)  { ... }
  void operator()(TypeB const&)  { ... }
  // ...

eggs::variant< ... > v;
eggs::variants::apply(handler{}, v);

You can even use templated operators (possibly with enable_if/sfinae), if they have common parts. 如果它们具有公共部分,您甚至可以使用模板化运算符(可能使用enable_if / sfinae)。

Largely based on Jarod42's answer, this is what I will be using: 主要基于Jarod42的答案,这就是我将要使用的内容:

class base_attribute_vector {};

template<typename T>
class raw_attribute_vector : public base_attribute_vector {
raw_attribute_vector() {std::cout << typeid(T).name() << std::endl; }

template<class base, template <typename> class impl>
base* magic(std::string type) {
    if(type == "int") return new impl<int>();
    else if(type == "float") return new impl<float>();

int main() {
    auto x = magic<base_attribute_vector, raw_attribute_vector>("int");
    auto y = magic<base_attribute_vector, raw_attribute_vector>("float");

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