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[英]Including base64 images from other files?


You could try using gulp-css-base64 plugin that will read all images from folders where your images are located. 您可以尝试使用gulp-css-base64插件来读取图像所在文件夹中的所有图像。 Each time you run gulp task it will update css file with new images (or update current ones). 每次运行gulp任务时,它都会使用新映像更新css文件(或更新当前的映像)。

gulp.task('default', function () {
    return gulp.src('src/css/input.css')
            baseDir: "../../images",
            maxWeightResource: 100,
            extensionsAllowed: ['.gif', '.jpg']

webpack's url-loader is made exactly for this purpose! webpack的url-loader就是为了这个目的而制作的!

To configure it, just add this to the loaders of your webpack-config: 要配置它,只需将其添加到webpack-config的加载器:

  test: /\.(svg|jpg|png|gif)$/,
  loader: 'url?limit=10000',

URL-loader returns a data URI for the file you require/import if it's size is below the specified limit, otherwise it bundles the file and returns the URL. 如果URL大小低于指定的限制,则URL-loader返回您需要/导入的文件的数据URI,否则它会捆绑文件并返回URL。

The limit is specified in bytes, so 10000 will roughly mean any file under 10kB will be returned as a data URI. 限制以字节为单位指定,因此10000大致意味着任何10kB以下的文件都将作为数据URI返回。 If you specify no limit, everything will be encoded as data URI. 如果您指定无限制,则所有内容都将编码为数据URI。 I suggest you only use it for small files, however. 不过,我建议你只将它用于小文件。

So, once it's set up, var smallImageUri = require('./smallImage.png'); 因此,一旦设置var smallImageUri = require('./smallImage.png');var smallImageUri = require('./smallImage.png'); should give you exactly what you need! 应该给你你所需要的! A data URI if smallImage.png is below your configured limit, or the URL to the bundled image when it's larger. 如果smallImage.png低于配置的限制, smallImage.png数据URI;如果为smallImage.png则为捆绑图像的URL。

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