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Including base64 images from other files?


You could try using gulp-css-base64 plugin that will read all images from folders where your images are located. Each time you run gulp task it will update css file with new images (or update current ones).

gulp.task('default', function () {
    return gulp.src('src/css/input.css')
            baseDir: "../../images",
            maxWeightResource: 100,
            extensionsAllowed: ['.gif', '.jpg']

webpack's url-loader is made exactly for this purpose!

To configure it, just add this to the loaders of your webpack-config:

  test: /\.(svg|jpg|png|gif)$/,
  loader: 'url?limit=10000',

URL-loader returns a data URI for the file you require/import if it's size is below the specified limit, otherwise it bundles the file and returns the URL.

The limit is specified in bytes, so 10000 will roughly mean any file under 10kB will be returned as a data URI. If you specify no limit, everything will be encoded as data URI. I suggest you only use it for small files, however.

So, once it's set up, var smallImageUri = require('./smallImage.png'); should give you exactly what you need! A data URI if smallImage.png is below your configured limit, or the URL to the bundled image when it's larger.

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