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使用默认的mt19937 RNG生成的增强UUID是否对会话ID安全?

[英]Are boost UUIDs generated using default mt19937 RNG secure for session IDs?

I need to generate UUIDs for use as non-predictable / guessable session IDs. 我需要生成UUID用作不可预测/可猜测的会话ID。

This can easily be accomplished using boost's UUID library : 这可以使用boost的UUID库轻松实现:

boost::uuids::uuid newUUID()
  static boost::uuids::random_generator gen;
  return gen();

The returned UUID can easily be converted to a string. 返回的UUID可以轻松转换为字符串。

The above code is equivalent to: 上面的代码等效于:

boost::uuids::uuid newUUID()
  static boost::uuids::basic_random_generator<boost::mt19937> gen;
  return gen();

So we are using the Mersenne Twister 19937 pseudo random number generator. 因此,我们使用的是Mersenne Twister 19937伪随机数生成器。 It looks like boost takes the task of seeding it properly serious. 似乎boost需要认真对待播种任务。

However, I wonder if something important – security wise – is gained by using a non-deterministic RNG like boost::random_device instead, and also how it will impact the speed of UUID generation. 但是,我想知道是否通过使用非确定性RNG(例如boost :: random_device )获得了重要的信息(安全方面),以及它如何影响UUID的生成速度。

boost::uuids::uuid newUUID()
  static boost::uuids::basic_random_generator<boost::random_device> gen;
  return gen();

Advice from people with security insight is appreciated. 感谢有安全见识的人的建议。

MT is not a cryptographically secure RNG. MT不是加密安全的RNG。

boost::random_device is guaranteed (by docs) to only exist if cruptographically secure and non-deterministic. (由文档保证) boost::random_device仅在具有断层摄影安全性和不确定性的情况下存在。 Note that this is not true of std::random_device . 请注意,对于std::random_device并非如此。

For any serious application, you cannot trust a mere documented guarantee. 对于任何严肃的应用,您不能仅凭文件证明的担保就可以。 But for a small scale unimportant one it should do. 但是对于小规模的不重要的事情,应该这样做。

Writing your own cryptographically secure code or system is usually a bad idea. 编写自己的加密安全代码或系统通常不是一个好主意。 Describe how bad it is that someone defeat your system, as that really matters to how much effort you need to put into it. 描述某人打败您的系统有多糟糕,因为这实际上与您需要付出多少努力有关。

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