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[英]Storing a list of Eigen arrays

I would like to store a collection of Eigen arrays in an std::list or std::vector . 我想将本征数组的集合存储在std::liststd::vector

My arrays have different types, some Array<Scalar, 1, Dynamic> , some Array<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic> , so I'm not sure what template argument to give std::list . 我的数组有不同的类型,有些是Array<Scalar, 1, Dynamic> ,有些是Array<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic> ,所以我不确定要给std::list什么模板参数。

Ideas: 想法:

  • Cast everything to Dynamic and store as std::list<Array<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic>> , but this feels like needless copying 将所有内容强制转换为Dynamic并存储为std::list<Array<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic>> ,但这感觉像是不必要的复制
  • boost::variant ? boost::variant吗?

For those less familiar with Eigen, Dynamic means -1 . 对于不熟悉Eigen的人, Dynamic表示-1

For more context, see here: What's the right type for a join_rows() function? 有关更多上下文,请参见此处: join_rows()函数的正确类型是什么?

ArrayXf , ArrayXXd , Array3i , etc. are all different types. ArrayXfArrayXXdArray3i等都是不同的类型。 Therefore, your question boils down to: Is there a STL container that allows heterogeneous types? 因此,您的问题可以归结为:是否有一个允许异构类型的STL容器? The short answer to that is: No. The long answer to that is: No, but... 简短的答案是:否。长长的答案是:不,但是...

There are alternatives. 还有其他选择。 As you pointed out, you could use a list / vector of boost::variant (explicitly list all types) or boost::any (effectively allow any type). 如您所指出的,您可以使用boost::variantlist / vector (明确列出所有类型)或boost::any (有效地允许任何类型)。 You could also use a list / vector<void*> and static_cast at every usage (personally, not my preferred option). 您还可以在每次使用时使用list / vector<void*>static_cast (个人使用,不是我的首选)。

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