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SceneKit 地板纹理在 Xcode 8 中更改了颜色

[英]SceneKit Floor Texture Changed Color in Xcode 8

I have a floor in my SceneKit scene that is suppose to be green based on the texture I have selected for its diffuse property.我的 SceneKit 场景中有一个地板,根据我为其漫反射属性选择的纹理,假设它是绿色的。 It worked perfectly in Xcode 7, however, in Xcode 8 it is red and shows up on my device as gray.它在 Xcode 7 中运行良好,但是,在 Xcode 8 中它是红色的,在我的设备上显示为灰色。 Here are some screenshots below that help explain this better:以下是一些有助于更好地解释这一点的屏幕截图:

Xcode 7 中的地板是什么样子的

地板现在在 Xcode 8 中的样子

Xcode 8 中的当前楼层属性

Any and all help is great appreciated.非常感谢任何和所有帮助。

I suppose this is because your image has a single color channel and SceneKit handles it a R8 texture.我想这是因为您的图像具有单个颜色通道,而 SceneKit 将其处理为 R8 纹理。 Try converting it to RGB (what SceneKit was doing in iOS 9/Xcode7 anyway).尝试将其转换为 RGB(无论如何 SceneKit 在 iOS 9/Xcode7 中所做的)。 And please file a bug.并请提交错误。

I recently came across with the same problem and fixed that issue with using JPEG file instead PNG.我最近遇到了同样的问题,并通过使用 JPEG 文件而不是 PNG 解决了该问题。 That might be related with a bug in xCode 8这可能与 xCode 8 中的错误有关

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