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[英]Issues regarding classification instead of regression using deep learning

I have a question. 我有个问题。 I have a network which works fine I want to do the regression. 我有一个工作正常的网络,我想进行回归分析。 However, when I am trying to use it for classification(after maing supposedly appropriate changes) I am facing some issues. 但是,当我尝试将其用于分类时(在进行了适当的更改之后),我遇到了一些问题。 I have 9 classes, but the issue is that the network is outputting me in a way that is not clear to me. 我有9个班级,但问题是网络以我不清楚的方式输出我。 It outputs me a 9x1 vector for each object which is fine but the values inside are not probabilities. 它为每个对象输出9x1的矢量,这很好,但是里面的值不是概率。 I have tried converting the softmax output to probabilities(exp(1)/(exp(1)+..+exp(n))) but to no affect . 我尝试将softmax输出转换为概率(exp(1)/(exp(1)+ .. + exp(n)))但没有任何影响。 I am using caffe an matcaffe . 我用的是咖啡。 What I want is given the input the network tells me to which class it belongs. 网络告诉我我想要的是它属于哪个类的输入。 Basically in the output I want a single value which represents my class. 基本上在输出中,我想要一个代表我的班级的值。 I am attaching my prototxt file.` 我附上我的prototxt文件。

name: "Zeiler_conv5"

input: "data"
input_dim: 1
input_dim: 3
input_dim: 224
input_dim: 224

input: "rois"
input_dim: 1 # to be changed on-the-fly to num ROIs
input_dim: 5 # [batch ind, x1, y1, x2, y2] zero-based indexing
input_dim: 1
input_dim: 1

input: "labels"
input_dim: 1 # to be changed on-the-fly to match num ROIs
input_dim: 1
input_dim: 1
input_dim: 1

input: "bbox_targets"
input_dim: 1  # to be changed on-the-fly to match num ROIs
input_dim: 84 # 4 * (K+1) (=21) classes
input_dim: 1
input_dim: 1

input: "bbox_loss_weights"
input_dim: 1  # to be changed on-the-fly to match num ROIs
input_dim: 84 # 4 * (K+1) (=21) classes
input_dim: 1
input_dim: 1

input: "angle_head"
input_dim: 1  # to be changed on-the-fly to match num ROIs
input_dim: 9 # 9 (-180:45:180) classes
input_dim: 1
input_dim: 1

input: "angle_head_weight"
input_dim: 1  # to be changed on-the-fly to match num ROIs
input_dim: 9 # 9 (-180:45:180) classes
input_dim: 1
input_dim: 1

layer {
    name: "conv1"
    type: "Convolution"
    bottom: "data"
    top: "conv1"
    param {
        lr_mult: 0.0
    param {
        lr_mult: 0.0
    convolution_param {
        num_output: 96
        kernel_size: 7
        pad: 3
        stride: 2
        weight_filler {
            type: "gaussian"
            std: 0.01
        bias_filler {
            type: "constant"
            value: 0

layer {
    name: "relu1"
    type: "ReLU"
    bottom: "conv1"
    top: "conv1"

layer {
    name: "norm1"
    type: "LRN"
    bottom: "conv1"
    top: "norm1"
    lrn_param {
        local_size: 3
        alpha: 0.00005
        beta: 0.75
        norm_region: WITHIN_CHANNEL

layer {
    name: "pool1"
    type: "Pooling"
    bottom: "norm1"
    top: "pool1"
    pooling_param {
        kernel_size: 3
        stride: 2
        pad: 1
        pool: MAX

layer {
    name: "conv2"
    type: "Convolution"
    bottom: "pool1"
    top: "conv2"
    param {
        lr_mult: 0.0
    param {
        lr_mult: 0.0
    convolution_param {
        num_output: 256
        kernel_size: 5
        pad: 2
        stride: 2
        weight_filler {
            type: "gaussian"
            std: 0.01
        bias_filler {
            type: "constant"
            value: 1

layer {
    name: "relu2"
    type: "ReLU"
    bottom: "conv2"
    top: "conv2"

layer {
    name: "norm2"
    type: "LRN"
    bottom: "conv2"
    top: "norm2"
    lrn_param {
        local_size: 3
        alpha: 0.00005
        beta: 0.75
        norm_region: WITHIN_CHANNEL

layer {
    name: "pool2"
    type: "Pooling"
    bottom: "norm2"
    top: "pool2"
    pooling_param {
        kernel_size: 3
        stride: 2
        pad: 1
        pool: MAX

layer {
    name: "conv3"
    type: "Convolution"
    bottom: "pool2"
    top: "conv3"
    param {
        lr_mult: 0.0
    param {
        lr_mult: 0.0
    convolution_param {
        num_output: 384
        kernel_size: 3
        pad: 1
        stride: 1
        weight_filler {
            type: "gaussian"
            std: 0.01
        bias_filler {
            type: "constant"
            value: 0

layer {
    name: "relu3"
    type: "ReLU"
    bottom: "conv3"
    top: "conv3"

layer {
    name: "conv4"
    type: "Convolution"
    bottom: "conv3"
    top: "conv4"
    param {
        lr_mult: 0.0
    param {
        lr_mult: 0.0
    convolution_param {
        num_output: 384
        kernel_size: 3
        pad: 1
        stride: 1
        weight_filler {
            type: "gaussian"
            std: 0.01
        bias_filler {
            type: "constant"
            value: 1

layer {
    name: "relu4"
    type: "ReLU"
    bottom: "conv4"
    top: "conv4"

layer {
    name: "conv5"
    type: "Convolution"
    bottom: "conv4"
    top: "conv5"
    param {
        lr_mult: 0.0
    param {
        lr_mult: 0.0
    convolution_param {
        num_output: 256
        kernel_size: 3
        pad: 1
        stride: 1
        weight_filler {
            type: "gaussian"
            std: 0.01
        bias_filler {
            type: "constant"
            value: 1

layer {
    name: "relu5"
    type: "ReLU"
    bottom: "conv5"
    top: "conv5"

layer {
    bottom: "conv5"
    bottom: "rois"
    top: "pool5"
    name: "roi_pool5"
    type: "ROIPooling"
    roi_pooling_param {
        pooled_w: 6
        pooled_h: 6
        spatial_scale: 0.0625  # (1/16)

layer {
    bottom: "pool5"
    top: "fc6"
    name: "fc6"
    param {
        lr_mult: 1.0
    param {
        lr_mult: 2.0
    type: "InnerProduct"
    inner_product_param {
        num_output: 4096

layer {
    bottom: "fc6"
    top: "fc6"
    name: "relu6"
    type: "ReLU"

layer {
    bottom: "fc6"
    top: "fc6"
    name: "drop6"
    type: "Dropout"
    dropout_param {
        dropout_ratio: 0.5
        scale_train: false

layer {
    bottom: "fc6"
    top: "fc7"
    name: "fc7"
    param {
        lr_mult: 1.0
    param {
        lr_mult: 2.0
    type: "InnerProduct"
    inner_product_param {
        num_output: 4096

layer {
    bottom: "fc7"
    top: "fc7"
    name: "relu7"
    type: "ReLU"

layer {
    bottom: "fc7"
    top: "fc7"
    name: "drop7"
    type: "Dropout"
    dropout_param {
        dropout_ratio: 0.5
        scale_train: false

layer {
    bottom: "fc7"
    top: "cls_score"
    name: "cls_score"
    param {
        lr_mult: 1.0
    param {
        lr_mult: 2.0
    type: "InnerProduct"
    inner_product_param {
        num_output: 21
        weight_filler {
            type: "gaussian"
            std: 0.01
        bias_filler {
            type: "constant"
            value: 0

layer {
    bottom: "fc7"
    top: "angle_pred"
    name: "angle_pred"
    type: "InnerProduct"
    param {
        lr_mult: 1.0
    param {
        lr_mult: 2.0
    inner_product_param {
        num_output: 9
        weight_filler {
            type: "gaussian"
            std: 0.001
        bias_filler {
            type: "constant"
            value: 0

layer {
    bottom: "fc7"
    top: "bbox_pred"
    name: "bbox_pred"
    type: "InnerProduct"
    param {
        lr_mult: 1.0
    param {
        lr_mult: 2.0
    inner_product_param {
        num_output: 84
        weight_filler {
            type: "gaussian"
            std: 0.001
        bias_filler {
            type: "constant"
            value: 0

layer {
    name: "loss"
    type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"
    bottom: "cls_score"
    bottom: "labels"
    top: "loss_cls"
    loss_weight: 0

layer {
    name: "accuarcy"
    type: "Accuracy"
    bottom: "cls_score"
    bottom: "labels"
    top: "accuarcy"

layer {
    name: "loss_angle"
    type: "SmoothL1Loss"
    bottom: "angle_pred"
    bottom: "angle_head"
    bottom: "angle_head_weight"
    top: "loss_angle"
    loss_weight: 1

layer {
    name: "loss_bbox"
    type: "SmoothL1Loss"
    bottom: "bbox_pred"
    bottom: "bbox_targets"
    bottom: "bbox_loss_weights"
    top: "loss_bbox"
    loss_weight: 0

` `

You have used softmax function in the output layer to convert the scores generated by the neural network model to probability. 您已在输出层中使用softmax函数将神经网络模型生成的分数转换为概率。 Now you need to consider the max probability and the class associated with the max probability is your answer. 现在,您需要考虑最大概率,并且与最大概率相关的类就是您的答案。 By the way what did you mean by that, softmax function has no effect? 顺便说一句,这是什么意思,softmax函数无效吗? Softmax function will also give you a vector, instead of a single value. Softmax函数还将为您提供一个向量,而不是单个值。 You can decide from the probabilities what is the final class predicted by your classifier. 您可以从概率中确定分类器预测的最终分类是什么。

I think the file you have uploaded is the training prototxt file. 我认为您上传的文件是培训原型文件。 You have used SoftmaxWithLoss layer. 您已经使用了SoftmaxWithLoss层。 This layer will not give you the probabilities. 这一层不会给您概率。 Replace it with SoftMax layer during deployment to get the probability of each class. 在部署期间将其替换为SoftMax层,以获取每个类别的概率。

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