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[英]How to make sure each process uses roughly same amount of time when using multiprocessing module in Python?

Currently I am working on an asynchronous gradient algorithm with Python multiprocessing module, the main idea is that I run multiple processes that update an array of global parameters asynchronously. 目前,我正在使用Python多处理模块开发异步梯度算法,其主要思想是运行多个进程以异步方式更新全局参数数组。 I have finished most of the framework but I got a problem that some processes seems to "get stuck" sometimes while other are still running, that causes this algorithm less effective. 我已经完成了大部分框架,但遇到一个问题,即某些进程似乎在某些进程“卡住”而其他进程仍在运行时,则导致该算法的效果降低。 So I am wondering if there are good ways to make sure that they use roughly the same amount of time? 所以我想知道是否有好的方法来确保它们使用大致相同的时间?

Thanks! 谢谢!

This depends almost entirely on the problem you try to tackle. 这几乎完全取决于您要解决的问题。 If you distribute a large task to several workers and one unpredictably gets a much larger chunk than the others, you will have this situation. 如果您将一项大型任务分配给多个工作人员,而一个任务却比其他任务大得多,那么您将遇到这种情况。

There are several options to avoid it: 有几种选择可以避免这种情况:

  1. Try to estimate the effort for each chunk more precisely. 尝试更精确地估计每个块的工作量。 Depending on your task, this might be possible. 根据您的任务,这可能是可能的。 The chunks with the most predicted effort should be split. 预计工作量最大的块应该被拆分。
  2. A very common way to approach this is to split the task into lots of very small chunks, many more than workers are present. 解决此问题的一种非常常见的方法是将任务分成很多非常小的块,远远超过了现有的工人。 Then feed all chunks into a queue and let your workers eat their chunks from the queue. 然后将所有块放入队列,让您的工作人员从队列中吃掉它们的块。 This way when a worker receives an easy chunk it will finish it fast and take at once the next chunk from the queue, thus not ending up idle while other workers seem to be "stuck" with their harder chunk. 这样,当一个工作人员接收到一个简单的数据块时,它将很快完成并立即从队列中取出下一个数据块,从而不会最终变得空闲,而其他工作人员似乎被他们较难的数据块“卡住”了。

A real deadlock will not be fixed of course by whatever approach. 真正的僵局当然不会通过任何方法解决。

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