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[英]Mismatched types when displaying a matrix with a for loop

Inspired by the code provided by evilone in the post How to print a Vec? 受到evilone在帖子中提供的代码的启发如何打印Vec? . To display a matrix, I wrote code as following: 为了显示矩阵,我编写了如下代码:

use std::{ops, fmt};

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct Matrix<T> {
    data: Vec<T>,
    row: usize,
    col: usize,

impl<T: Copy> Matrix<T> {       
    pub fn new(row: usize, col: usize, values: &[T]) -> Matrix<T> {
        Matrix {
            data: values.to_vec(), 
            row: row,
            col: col,

//// Display
impl<T: fmt::Display> fmt::Display for Matrix<T> {

    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        let n_row = self.row;
        let n_col = self.col;
        let data = self.data;

        for i in 0.. n_row {
            let mut each_row = String::new(); 

            for j in 0.. n_col {
                let idx = i * n_col + j;  
                let each_element = data[idx];
                each_row.push_str(" ");  // seperated by space 
            write!(f, "{}", each_row)   

fn main() {
    let x = Matrix::new(2, 3, &[-6, -5, 0, 1, 2, 3]);
    println!("{}", x);


I got the errors: 我得到了错误:

rustc 1.13.0 (2c6933acc 2016-11-07)
error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> <anon>:40:13
40 |             write!(f, "{}", each_row)   
   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected (), found enum `std::result::Result`
   = note: expected type `()`
   = note:    found type `std::result::Result<(), std::fmt::Error>`
   = note: this error originates in a macro outside of the current crate

error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> <anon>:31:9
31 |         for i in 0.. n_row {
   |         ^ expected enum `std::result::Result`, found ()
   = note: expected type `std::result::Result<(), std::fmt::Error>`
   = note:    found type `()`

1) I don't understand why I get expected (), found enum `std::result::Result` 1)我不明白为什么我会expected (), found enum `std::result::Result`

2) For the second error, I thought it was caused by the failure to implement line 40. So if fix line 40, it won't be a problem anymore. 2)对于第二个错误,我认为这是由于未能实施第40行引起的。因此,如果修复第40行,将不再是问题。

Any suggestions to fix this? 有什么建议可以解决这个问题吗?

When programming, it's useful to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example . 进行编程时,创建一个最小,完整和可验证的示例很有用。 This means you remove everything that's not relevant to the error or problem you are having, boiling it down to the pure essence. 这意味着您删除了与您所遇到的错误或问题无关的所有内容,并将其简化为纯粹的本质。 Generally, you will find that doing so greatly narrows down the potential location of the problem. 通常,您会发现这样做可以大大缩小问题的潜在范围。 Often, this allows you to answer the question yourself, and other times it increases the chances of being able to ask an insightful question. 通常,这可以让您自己回答问题,而有时,它增加了提出具有深刻见解的问题的机会。

Here's an MCVE for this problem: 这是针对此问题的MCVE:

fn foo() -> u8 {
    for i in 0..1u8 {

fn main() {}

Pretty small, isn't it? 很小,不是吗? It produces these errors: 它产生以下错误:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
 --> src/main.rs:3:9
3 |         i
  |         ^ expected (), found u8
  = note: expected type `()`
  = note:    found type `u8`

error[E0308]: mismatched types
 --> src/main.rs:2:5
2 |     for i in 0..1u8 {
  |     ^ expected u8, found ()
  = note: expected type `u8`
  = note:    found type `()`

Which should look familiar. 看起来应该很熟悉。

Now the question you can ask yourself: what type and value does a for loop evaluate to? 现在您可以问自己一个问题: for循环求值的类型和值是什么? (Hint: the compiler messages actually tell you if you read them the right way) (提示:编译器消息实际上告诉您是否以正确的方式阅读它们)

We know that the function must return a u8 , but the compiler tells us that we are actually returning a () — this is the second error. 我们知道函数必须返回u8 ,但是编译器告诉我们实际上正在返回() -这是第二个错误。 That means that a for loop evaluates to () ! 这意味着for循环的计算结果为() Since a for loop evaluates to () , what could possibly happen to the value that the for loop's block evaluates to? 由于for循环的计算结果为() ,因此for循环的块计算结果的值可能会发生什么? As you can guess, the answer is that the block cannot return a value! 如您所料,答案是该块无法返回值!

Think about this example: 想想这个例子:

fn foo() -> u8 {
    for i in 0..0u8 {

What would this return? 什么会回? Yeah, probably nothing good. 是的,可能没什么好处。

Returning from our MCVE back to the original problem, you need to explicitly return inner failures and explicitly return success at the end of the loop: 从我们的MCVE回到原始问题,您需要显式返回内部故障,并在循环结束时显式返回成功:

for /* ... */ {
    // ...

    try!(write!(f, "{}", each_row))


This just opens the door to other errors in the code, but you are capable of figuring those out! 这只是打开代码中其他错误的大门,但是您可以找出这些错误!

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