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[英]Django-hosts redirect form non-www to www

The site generates different URLs that all look like http://example.com/ 'somepath'. 该网站会生成不同的URL,它们看起来都像http://example.com/'somepath '。 What I want to do is to redirect users from http://example.com/ 'somepath' to http://www.example.com/ 'somepath'. 我要做的是将用户从http://example.com/'somepath '重定向到http://www.example.com/'somepath '。 As I found out it's possible to do with django-hosts. 正如我发现的那样,可以使用django-hosts。
As it's said in instructions I have the following in settings.py: 正如说明中所述,我在settings.py中具有以下内容:

ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['www.example.com', 'example.com']



ROOT_URLCONF = 'appname.urls'
ROOT_HOSTCONF = 'appname.hosts'
DEFAULT_REDIRECT_URL = "http://www.example.com"
PARENT_HOST = "example.com"

In hostsconf/urls: 在hostsconf / url中:

from django.conf.urls import url
from .views import wildcard_redirect

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^(?P<path>.*)', wildcard_redirect),

In hostsconf/views: 在hostsconf / views中:

from django.conf import settings
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect

DEFAULT_REDIRECT_URL = getattr(settings, "DEFAULT_REDIRECT_URL", "http://www.example.com")

def wildcard_redirect(request, path=None):
    if path is not None:
        new_url = DEFAULT_REDIRECT_URL + "/" + path
    return HttpResponseRedirect(new_url)

But looks like it doesn't work because if I go to http://example.com/ 'somepath' it returns "400 Bad Request" and http://www.example.com/ 'somepath' points to the correct destination. 但是看起来不起作用,因为如果我转到http://example.com/'somepath ',它将返回“ 400 Bad Request”,而http://www.example.com/“somepath ”指向正确的目的地。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

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