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django www 与非 www 问题与中间件身份验证

[英]django www vs non-www issue with middleware authentication

I have been having inconsistent behavior with my Django app.我的 Django 应用程序的行为一直不一致。

If I login with no www, and then prepend www, it's not authenticated, and all the combinations thereof.如果我在没有 www 的情况下登录,然后在前面加上 www,则它没有经过身份验证,以及它们的所有组合。 (www.mydomain.com and mydomain.com like different sites in terms of auth) (www.mydomain.com 和 mydomain.com 在身份验证方面就像不同的站点)

If the authentication code is important, I wrote a middleware based on the tutorial here: http://onecreativeblog.com/post/59051248/django-login-required-middleware如果验证码很重要,我这里根据教程写了一个中间件: http://onecreativeblog.com/post/59051248/django-login-required-middleware

So far I have fixed the issue forcing the appending of www, using PREPEND_WWW = True , but I would still like to understand the issue;)到目前为止,我已经解决了强制附加 www 的问题,使用PREPEND_WWW = True ,但我仍然想了解这个问题;)

Does anyone have an idea of what may be going on?有谁知道可能发生了什么? Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

What Zaha Zorg said: Cookies from Django won't work for both a prepended www and non-www domain by default. Zaha Zorg 所说的:默认情况下,来自 Django 的 Cookies 不适用于前置 www 和非 www 域。

However, the deeper issue here is that you're allowing both www and non-www domains of your site to serve identical content.但是,这里更深层次的问题是,您允许网站的 www 和非 www 域提供相同的内容。 Besides the obvious SEO consequences of having traffic split between the two, you run into issues like these.除了在两者之间分配流量会带来明显的 SEO 后果外,您还会遇到此类问题。 The proper way to handle this is to redirect all traffic from one to the other (whichever you prefer).处理此问题的正确方法是将所有流量从一个重定向到另一个(无论您喜欢哪个)。 The PREPEND_WWW setting you found works perfectly for this.您找到的PREPEND_WWW设置非常适合此。 For the opposite (forcing all traffic to non-www), it's recommended to just do a re-write at the server configuration level, such as Apache or Nginx.相反(强制所有流量到非 www),建议只在服务器配置级别进行重写,例如 Apache 或 Nginx。

You need to look at https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/settings/?from=olddocs#session-cookie-domain您需要查看https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/settings/?from=olddocs#session-cookie-domain


The domain to use for session cookies.用于 session cookies 的域。 Set this to a string such as ".lawrence.com" for cross-domain cookies, or use None for a standard domain cookie.将此设置为跨域 cookies 的字符串,例如“.lawrence.com”,或将 None 用于标准域 cookie。 See the How to use sessions.请参阅如何使用会话。

Could it be that cookies depend on the hostname of the server?难道 cookies 依赖于服务器的主机名? This could explain why both domain names are considered different.这可以解释为什么两个域名被认为是不同的。

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