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[英]Mahalanobis distance of each pair of observations

I am trying to compute the Mahalanobis distance between each observations of a dataset dat , where each row is an observation and each column is a variable. 我正在尝试计算数据集dat每个观测值之间的Mahalanobis距离,其中每一行是一个观测值,每一列是一个变量。 Such distance is defined as: 该距离定义为:


I wrote a function that does it, but I feel like it is slow. 我编写了一个函数来执行此操作,但是感觉很慢。 Is there any better way to compute this in R ? 有没有更好的方法可以在R中对此进行计算?

To generate some data to test the function: 生成一些数据来测试功能:

generateData <- function(nObs, nVar){
  mvrnorm(n=nObs, rep(0,nVar), diag(nVar))

This is the function I have written so far. 这是我到目前为止编写的函数。 They both work and for my data (800 obs and 90 variables), it takes approximatively 30 and 33 seconds for the method = "forLoop" and method = "apply" , respectively. 对于我的数据(800 obs和90个变量),它们都起作用, method = "forLoop"method = "apply"分别花费大约30和33秒。

mhbd_calc2 <- function(dat, method) { #Method is either "forLoop" or "apply"
  dat <- as.matrix(na.omit(dat))
  nObs <- nrow(dat)
  mhbd <- matrix(nrow=nObs,ncol = nObs)
  cv_mat_inv = solve(var(dat))

  distMH = function(x){  #Mahalanobis distance function
    diff = dat[x[1],]-dat[x[2],]
    diff %*% cv_mat_inv %*% diff

    for (i in 1:nObs){
      for(j in 1:i){
        mhbd[i,j] <- distMH(c(i,j))
    mhbd[lower.tri(mhbd)] = apply(combn(nrow(dat),2),2, distMH)
  result = sqrt(mhbd)

NB: I tried using outer() but it was even slower (60seconds) 注意:我尝试使用external outer()但速度甚至更慢(60秒)

You need some mathematical knowledge. 您需要一些数学知识。

  1. Do a Cholesky factorization of empirical covariance, then standardize your observations; 对经验协方差进行Cholesky分解,然后标准化您的观察结果;
  2. use dist to compute Euclidean distance on transformed observations. 使用dist计算变换后的观测值的欧几里得距离。

dist.maha <- function (dat) {
  X <- as.matrix(na.omit(dat))  ## ensure a valid matrix
  V <- cov(X)  ## empirical covariance; positive definite
  L <- t(chol(V))  ## lower triangular factor
  stdX <- t(forwardsolve(L, t(X)))  ## standardization
  dist(stdX)  ## use `dist`


x <- matrix(rnorm(6 * 3), 6, 3)

#         1        2        3        4        5
#2 2.362109                                    
#3 1.725084 1.495655                           
#4 2.959946 2.715641 2.690788                  
#5 3.044610 1.218184 1.531026 2.717390         
#6 2.740958 1.694767 2.877993 2.978265 2.794879

The result agrees with your mhbd_calc2 . 结果与您的mhbd_calc2

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