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[英]Creating a batch file to modify the filenames in a directory

Im trying to build a batch file. 我试图建立一个批处理文件。

I have 30 csv files in a folder 我在一个文件夹中有30个csv文件

My intention is 我的意图是

  1. Get each file name (Example is 097_021216_192332.csv) 获取每个文件名(示例为097_021216_192332.csv)
  2. Extract the first 3 digits 提取前3位数字
  3. Compare it with a lookup table ( lookup1.bat) against which i have marked another string 将它与查找表(lookup1.bat)进行比较,我已经标记了另一个字符串

EG: lookup1.bat EG:lookup1.bat

@echo 107=B_05-
@echo 097=B_06-
@echo 149=B_07-
@echo 109=B_08-
@echo 101=B_09-
@echo 105=B_10-
@echo 098=B_11-    

So here i will get "B_06-" 所以在这里我会得到“B_06-”

  1. Modify the file name with this "B_06-" prefix and rename the file 使用此“B_06-”前缀修改文件名并重命名该文件

Here is my code , i have only basic ideas about looping and im struggling a lot.Thanks for any help. 这是我的代码,我只有关于循环的基本想法和我很多努力。感谢任何帮助。

@echo on

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

for %%a in ("*.csv") do ( 
    set FileName=%%~na

for /f "tokens=1 delims=_" %%a in ("%FileName%") do ( 
    set A=%%a 
    echo %A%

@FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i IN ('lookup1.bat') DO @IF %%i EQU %MN% SET MW=%%j

@ECHO The board number corresponding to %MN% is %MW%.

set "str=%MW%%FileName%"
echo "%str%"    

Ren "!FileName!" "!str!"


You have a series of problems with the structure of your program. 您的程序结构存在一系列问题。 If you want to call a subroutine from inside a for command the right way is using call , not goto , and the goto :eof command must be placed after the for ends. 如果你想从里面调用子程序 for命令以正确的方式是使用call ,而不是gotogoto :eof命令必须放置 for末端。 However, this code is simple enough so it don't requires a subroutine. 但是,这段代码很简单,因此不需要子程序。

The table lookup method is more efficient (and also simpler, IMHO) if you use an array to load the table just once, and then directly access its elements via an index . 如果您使用数组只加载一次表,然后通过索引直接访问其元素,则表查找方法更有效(也更简单,恕我直言)。

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

rem Create the lookup file with lookup1.bat file,
rem this program create lines like this one:
rem 097=B_06-
call lookup1.bat > lookup1.txt

rem Load the lookup table from the file,
rem this method create _array elements_ like this one:
rem set "table[097]=B_06-"
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in (lookup1.txt) do set "table[%%a]=%%b"

rem Process the files in current folder,
rem file name format is this:
rem ###_restOfFileName.csv
for /F "tokens=1* delims=_" %%a in ('dir /A:-D /B *.csv') do (
   @ECHO The board number corresponding to %%a is !table[%%a]!.
   ren "%%a_%%b" "!table[%%a]!%%b"

You may test if the board number is not defined for a file via an additional if not defined table[%%a] ... command placed inside the for . 您可以通过放置在for的附加if not defined table[%%a] ...命令来测试是否未为文件定义板号。

You may directly create the lookup1.txt file with your text editor; 您可以使用文本编辑器直接创建lookup1.txt文件; just eliminate all these @echo parts from lookup1.bat and change the extension. lookup1.bat删除所有这些@echo部分并更改扩展名。

You may review a detailed explanation on array use in Batch files at this answer . 您可以在此答案中查看有关批处理文件中阵列使用的详细说明。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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