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Creating a batch file to modify the filenames in a directory

Im trying to build a batch file.

I have 30 csv files in a folder

My intention is

  1. Get each file name (Example is 097_021216_192332.csv)
  2. Extract the first 3 digits
  3. Compare it with a lookup table ( lookup1.bat) against which i have marked another string

EG: lookup1.bat

@echo 107=B_05-
@echo 097=B_06-
@echo 149=B_07-
@echo 109=B_08-
@echo 101=B_09-
@echo 105=B_10-
@echo 098=B_11-    

So here i will get "B_06-"

  1. Modify the file name with this "B_06-" prefix and rename the file

Here is my code , i have only basic ideas about looping and im struggling a lot.Thanks for any help.

@echo on

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

for %%a in ("*.csv") do ( 
    set FileName=%%~na

for /f "tokens=1 delims=_" %%a in ("%FileName%") do ( 
    set A=%%a 
    echo %A%

@FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i IN ('lookup1.bat') DO @IF %%i EQU %MN% SET MW=%%j

@ECHO The board number corresponding to %MN% is %MW%.

set "str=%MW%%FileName%"
echo "%str%"    

Ren "!FileName!" "!str!"


You have a series of problems with the structure of your program. If you want to call a subroutine from inside a for command the right way is using call , not goto , and the goto :eof command must be placed after the for ends. However, this code is simple enough so it don't requires a subroutine.

The table lookup method is more efficient (and also simpler, IMHO) if you use an array to load the table just once, and then directly access its elements via an index .

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

rem Create the lookup file with lookup1.bat file,
rem this program create lines like this one:
rem 097=B_06-
call lookup1.bat > lookup1.txt

rem Load the lookup table from the file,
rem this method create _array elements_ like this one:
rem set "table[097]=B_06-"
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in (lookup1.txt) do set "table[%%a]=%%b"

rem Process the files in current folder,
rem file name format is this:
rem ###_restOfFileName.csv
for /F "tokens=1* delims=_" %%a in ('dir /A:-D /B *.csv') do (
   @ECHO The board number corresponding to %%a is !table[%%a]!.
   ren "%%a_%%b" "!table[%%a]!%%b"

You may test if the board number is not defined for a file via an additional if not defined table[%%a] ... command placed inside the for .

You may directly create the lookup1.txt file with your text editor; just eliminate all these @echo parts from lookup1.bat and change the extension.

You may review a detailed explanation on array use in Batch files at this answer .

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