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[英]What does has kind 'Constraint' mean in Haskell

I am fresh to Haskell and I am trying to understand the language by writing some code. 我对Haskell很新鲜,我试图通过编写一些代码来理解语言。 I am only familiar with very simple instructions on ghci: head, tail, sum, (*), and the like – very simple. 我只熟悉关于ghci的非常简单的指令:head,tail,sum,(*)等 - 非常简单。

The function I am trying to make is for solving Pythagoras's theorem for vectors of any number of dimensions. 我试图做的功能是解决毕达哥拉斯定理任意维数的向量。 This looks something like this: square root (a^2 + b^2 + c^2 ...) 这看起来像这样:平方根(a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 + c ^ 2 ...)

What I can do in ghci in a few lines, which I am trying to make a function is the following: 我在ghci中可以做几行,我试图做一个函数如下:

sq x = x*x

b = map sq [1,2,3]

a = sum b

x = sqrt b

When I do this I try to include a signature of many sorts, Currently my function looks like this: 当我这样做时,我尝试包含许多种类的签名,目前我的函数看起来像这样:

mod :: [Num a] => a
mod x = sqrt a
    where a = sum [b]
            where [b] = map sq [x]

I do not understand the issue when I try to run it: 我尝试运行它时,我不明白这个问题:

Expected a constraint, but ‘[Num a]’ has kind ‘*’
    • In the type signature:
        Main.mod :: [Num a] => a

A few things to adjust: 一些要调整的事情:

0) mod isn't a good name for your function, as it is the name of the modulo function from the standard library. 0) mod不是函数的好名称,因为它是标准库中模数函数的名称。 I will call it norm instead. 我会称它为norm

1) The type signature you meant to write is: 1)您打算写的类型签名是:

norm :: Num a => [a] -> a

[a] is the type of a list with elements of type a . [a]是具有类型的元素列表的类型a The Num a before the => isn't a type, but a constraint , which specifies that a must be a number type (or, more accurately, that it has to be an instance of the Num class). =>之前的Num a不是类型,而是约束 ,它指定a必须是数字类型(或者更确切地说,它必须是Num类的实例)。 [Num a] => leads to the error you have seen because, given the square brackets, the type checker takes it as an attempt to use a list type instead of a constraint. [Num a] =>导致您看到的错误,因为给定方括号,类型检查器将其视为尝试使用列表类型而不是约束。

Beyond the Num a issue, you have left out the result type from the signature. 除了Num a问题,你已经从签名中省略了结果类型。 The corrected signature reflects that your function takes a list of numbers and returns a number. 更正的签名反映了您的函数采用数字列表并返回一个数字。

2) The Num a constraint is too weak for what you are trying to do. 2) Num a约束对于你想要做的事情来说太弱了。 In order to use sqrt , you need to have not merely a number type, but one that is an instance of Floating (cf. leftaroundabout's comment to this answer): 为了使用sqrt ,你需要的不仅仅是一个数字类型,而是一个Floating的实例(参见leftaroundabout对这个答案的评论):

GHCi> :t sqrt
sqrt :: Floating a => a -> a

Therefore, your signature should be 因此,您的签名应该是

norm :: Floating a => [a] -> a

3) [x] is a list with a single element, x . 3) [x]是具有单个元素x的列表。 If your argument is already a list, as the type signature says, there is no need to enclose it in square brackets. 如果您的参数已经是一个列表,正如类型签名所示,则无需将其括在方括号中。 Your function, then, becomes: 那么你的功能就变成了:

norm :: Floating a => [a] -> a
norm x = sqrt a
    where a = sum b
            where b = map sq x

Or, more neatly, without the second where -block: 或者,更整洁,没有第二个where -block:

norm :: Floating a => [a] -> a
norm x = sqrt (sum b)
    where b = map sq x

As you are aware, values can be classified by their type. 如您所知,可以按类型对值进行分类。 "foo" has type [Char] , Just 'c' has type Maybe Char , etc. "foo"类型为[Char]Just 'c'类型为Maybe Char等。

Similarly, types can be classified by their kind . 类似地,类型可以按其种类分类。 All concrete types for which you can provide a value have kind * . 您可以提供值的所有具体类型都有类型* You can see this using the :k command in GHCi: 你可以在GHCi中使用:k命令看到这个:

> :k Int
Int :: *
> :k Maybe Int
Maybe Int :: *

Type constructors also have kinds. 类型构造函数也有种类。 They are essentially type-valued functions, so their kinds are similar to regular functions. 它们本质上是类型值函数,因此它们的类型与常规函数类似。

> :t id
id :: a -> a
> :k Maybe
Maybe :: * -> *

But what is Num a ? 但是Num a什么? It's not a type, so it doesn't have kind * . 它不是一种类型,所以没有类型* It's not a type constructor, so it doesn't have an arrow kind. 它不是类型构造函数,因此它没有箭头类型。 It is something new, so a new kind was created to describe it. 它是新的东西,所以创造了一种新的形式来描述它。

> :k Num Int
Num Int :: Constraint

And Num itself is a Constraint -valued function: it takes a value of kind * and produces a Constraint : Num本身是一个Constraint valued函数:它需要一个类型的值*并产生一个Constraint

> :k Num
Num :: * -> Constraint

A thing with kind Constraint is used to specify the typeclass that a particular type must be an instance of. 具有类型Constraint的东西用于指定特定类型必须是其实例的类型类。 It is the value that can occur before => in a type signature. 它是在类型签名中=>之前可能出现的值。 It is also the "argument" to the instance "function": 它也是instance “函数”的“参数”:

instance Num Int where

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