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[英]Best way to create array with a range of number (Double Type) in Scala

I want to create a range number for an array. 我想为数组创建一个范围号。 The data type is Double, not Int. 数据类型为Double,而不是Int。 it looks like: [1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0....] 它看起来像: [1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0....]

Now I am doing like 现在我在做

val arraydataInt=1 to 1000 toArray
val arraydata = arraydataInt.map(x=>x.toDouble)

I am just not sure if the way is efficient. 我只是不确定这种方式是否有效。

Iterate or tabulate, take your pick. 迭代或制表,随便选择。

// or


1d to 1000d by 1d toArray

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