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OpenCV Java哈里斯拐角检测

[英]OpenCV Java Harris Corner Detection

I am developing an Android application and I want to make use of Harris corner detection. 我正在开发一个Android应用程序,并且想利用Harris角点检测。 I want to draw the corners detected but I cannot seem to find the documentation for the Java code. 我想画出检测到的角落,但似乎找不到Java代码的文档。

My code so far: 到目前为止,我的代码:

Mat inputImage = inputFrame.rgba();
Imgproc.cornerHarris(inputImage, inputImage, 7, 5, 0.05, Imgproc.BORDER_DEFAULT);

How can I detect and display the corners? 如何检测和显示角落?

For Java you can try this piece of code. 对于Java,您可以尝试这段代码。

private void Harris(Mat Scene, Mat Object, int thresh) {

    // This function implements the Harris Corner detection. The corners at intensity > thresh
    // are drawn.
    Mat Harris_scene = new Mat();
    Mat Harris_object = new Mat();

    Mat harris_scene_norm = new Mat(), harris_object_norm = new Mat(), harris_scene_scaled = new Mat(), harris_object_scaled = new Mat();
    int blockSize = 9;
    int apertureSize = 5;
    double k = 0.1;
    Imgproc.cornerHarris(Scene, Harris_scene,blockSize, apertureSize,k);
    Imgproc.cornerHarris(Object, Harris_object, blockSize,apertureSize,k);

    Core.normalize(Harris_scene, harris_scene_norm, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX, CvType.CV_32FC1, new Mat());
    Core.normalize(Harris_object, harris_object_norm, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX, CvType.CV_32FC1, new Mat());

    Core.convertScaleAbs(harris_scene_norm, harris_scene_scaled);
    Core.convertScaleAbs(harris_object_norm, harris_object_scaled);

    for( int j = 0; j < harris_scene_norm.rows() ; j++){
        for( int i = 0; i < harris_scene_norm.cols(); i++){
            if ((int) harris_scene_norm.get(j,i)[0] > thresh){
                Imgproc.circle(harris_scene_scaled, new Point(i,j), 5 , new Scalar(0), 2 ,8 , 0);

    for( int j = 0; j < harris_object_norm.rows() ; j++){
        for( int i = 0; i < harris_object_norm.cols(); i++){
            if ((int) harris_object_norm.get(j,i)[0] > thresh){
                Imgproc.circle(harris_object_scaled, new Point(i,j), 5 , new Scalar(0), 2 ,8 , 0);

I just wrote this following code here 我只是在这里写下面的代码

I know this is not ideal, but it is also not so bad - you can look at the c++ documentation and examples, the translation to Java is usually straight forward: One example: Harris corner detector . 我知道这并不理想,但是也还不错-您可以查看c ++文档和示例,通常直接翻译成Java:一个示例: Harris角落检测器 (you did not mention your version, this is from v2.4). (您没有提到您的版本,这是来自v2.4的版本)。

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