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如何将SpecFlow表转换为字典 <string, List<string> &gt; C#

[英]How to convert a SpecFlow table into a Dictionary<string, List<string>> c#

I have to following SpecFlow code: 我必须遵循以下SpecFlow代码:

    And I get and validate parameters
        | ParameterName| Value | Answers | Mandatory | Meta | Modified | ReadOnly | Submit | SubmitValues | Tag    |
        | SurName      |       |         | true      |      | false    | false    | true   |              | input  |
        | Name         |       |         | true      |      | false    | false    | false  |              | input  |

And i want this table to convert it into a Dictionary<string, List<string>> , the head columns will be the keys and the rest of the information will be the values. 我希望此表将其转换为Dictionary<string, List<string>> ,头列将是键,其余信息将是值。 I hardcoded some values: 我对一些值进行了硬编码:

Dictionary<string, List<string>> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
dictionary.Add("ParameterName", new List<string> {"SurName", "Name", "Age"});
dictionary.Add("Value", new List<string> { "", "", "" });
dictionary.Add("Answers", new List<string> { "", "", "" });
dictionary.Add("Mandatory", new List<string> { "true", "true", "true" });
dictionary.Add("Meta", new List<string> { "", "", "" });
dictionary.Add("Modified", new List<string> { "false", "false", "false" });
dictionary.Add("ReadOnly", new List<string> { "false", "false", "false" });
dictionary.Add("Submit", new List<string> { "true", "false", "true" });
dictionary.Add("SubmitValues", new List<string> { "", "", "" });
dictionary.Add("Tag", new List<string> { "input", "input", "select" });

But the actual table has a lot of values and i need to do this for all of them, and they might change, that's why i don't need a hardcoded dictionary. 但是实际表中有很多值,我需要对所有值进行此操作,并且它们可能会更改,这就是为什么我不需要硬编码字典的原因。 How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

In such a dictionary the retrieval of the same row is quite awkward (you should index the Value lists)... 在这样的字典中,同一行的检索非常麻烦(您应该为“值”列表建立索引)...

Instead, I would create a List<TestParameters> where TestParameters class contains a row with normal strongly typed properties: 相反,我将创建一个List<TestParameters> ,其中TestParameters类包含具有常规强类型属性的行:

public class TestParameters
    public string ParameterName { set; set; }
    public int Value { set; set; }
    public bool Mandatory { set; set; }
    // etc.

So now you have somewhere a test step like this: 因此,现在您可以在某个测试步骤中进行如下操作:

[Given(@"I get and validate parameters")]
public void GetParameters(Table parameters)

Simply replace the Table with your more specific type: 只需将Table替换为您更具体的类型:

[Given(@"I get and validate parameters")]
public void GetParameters(List<TestParameters> parameters)

And just define a Table->List transformation step in a helper class: 只需在助手类中定义Table-> List转换步骤:

public class Transformations
    public List<TestParameters> GetTestParameters(Table table)
        return table.Rows.Select(row => new TestParameters
            // string prop
            ParameterName = row["ParameterName"],

            // int prop
            Value = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(row["Value"]) ? Int32.Parse(row["Value"]) : 0,

            // bool prop
            Mandatory = row["Mandatory"]?.ToLowerInvariant() == "true"

            // TODO: other properties

Of course, the result of the transformation can be Dictionary<string, List<string>> , too, if you really insist to that... 当然,如果您真的坚持的话Dictionary<string, List<string>>转换的结果也可以是Dictionary<string, List<string>>

You could also use the CreateSet extension method from the TechTalk.SpecFlow.Assist namespace. 您还可以使用TechTalk.SpecFlow.Assist命名空间中的CreateSet扩展方法。
Have a look at the documentation here: http://specflow.org/documentation/SpecFlow-Assist-Helpers/ 在这里查看文档: http : //specflow.org/documentation/SpecFlow-Assist-Helpers/

Small example: 小例子:

CreateSet is an extension method off of Table that will convert the table data to a set of objects. CreateSet是Table的扩展方法,它将表数据转换为一组对象。 For example, if you have the following step: 例如,如果您具有以下步骤:

Given these products exist
    | Sku              | Name             | Price |
    | BOOK1            | Atlas Shrugged   | 25.04 |
    | BOOK2            | The Fountainhead | 20.15 |

You can convert the data in the table to a set of objects like so: 您可以将表中的数据转换为一组对象,如下所示:

[Given(@"Given these products exist")]
public void x(Table table)
    var products = table.CreateSet<Product>();
    // ...

It's too late to answer this question but probably might be helpful for others. 回答这个问题为时已晚,但可能会对其他人有所帮助。

The better way to handle such data in collection should be in format List>. 处理集合中此类数据的更好方法应采用List>格式。

Following extension method should help in this regard- 以下扩展方法应在这方面有所帮助-

    public static List<Dictionary<string, string>> ConvertToDictionaryList(this Table dt)
        var lstDict = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>();

        if (dt!=null)
            var headers = dt.Header;

            foreach (var row in dt.Rows)
                var dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                foreach (var header in headers)
                    dict.Add(header, row[header]);


        return lstDict;

But if you still want to use Dictionary>, then you can use following snippet 但是,如果您仍然想使用Dictionary>,则可以使用以下代码段

    public static List<Dictionary<string, string>> ConvertToDictionaryList(this Table dt)
        var lstDict = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();

        if (dt != null)
            var headers = dt.Header;

            foreach (var row in dt.Rows)
                foreach (var header in headers)
                    if (lstDict.ContainsKey(header))
                        lstDict.Add(header, new List<string> { row[header] });

        return lstDict;


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