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A *路径查找算法。 运动成本和启发式方法不准确

[英]A* path finding algorithm. Movement Cost and Heuristic is Inaccurate

My problem is that the movement cost(G cost) of my node and heuristic is inaccurate it does not match with the picture. 我的问题是我节点的移动成本(G cost)和启发式方法不准确,与图片不符。

Here is the image of what I'm following.There are three labels here and the movement cost is labelled at the bottom left and the heuristic is at bottom right. 这是我正在跟踪的图像。这里有三个标签,移动成本标记在左下方,启发式方法标记在右下方。 Label at top-left is the F = H + G 左上角的标签是F = H + G 在此处输入图片说明

Here is my output. 这是我的输出。 As you can see the movement cost is not the same as the desired output. 如您所见,移动成本与所需的输出不同。 The red circle is the goal node. 红色圆圈是目标节点。


Also the same with my Heuristic cost. 我的启发式费用也一样。


public class AStarPathFinder implements PathFinder {

private List<Node> open = new ArrayList<Node>();
private List<Node> close = new ArrayList<Node>();
private Node[][] nodes;

private TileMap map;
private Heuristic heuristic;

public AStarPathFinder(TiledMapStage mapStage, Heuristic heuristic) {
    this.heuristic = heuristic;
    nodes = mapStage.getNodes();
    map = mapStage.getMap();

public Path findPath(int startX, int startY, int goalX, int goalY) {

    Node goal = nodes[goalX][goalY];
    Node current = nodes[startX][startY];

    while (!open.isEmpty()) {

        current = getLowestFcost(open);

        if (current == goal) {
            Path path = new Path();
            while (current != null) {
                current = current.parent;
            return path;
        // neighbors of current
        for (int x = -1; x < 2; x++) {
            for (int y = -1; y < 2; y++) {
                int dx = current.x + x;
                int dy = current.y + y;

                if (map.isValidLocation(dx, dy)) {
                    if (!map.isWalkable(nodes[dx][dy], x, y) || close.contains(nodes[dx][dy]))

                    float newScore = movementCost(current.g, isDiagonal(x, y));
                    if (!open.contains(nodes[dx][dy])) {
                    } else if (newScore >= nodes[dx][dy].g) continue;

                    nodes[dx][dy].g = newScore;
                    nodes[dx][dy].h = heuristic.estimate(nodes[dx][dy], goal);
                    nodes[dx][dy].f = nodes[dx][dy].g + nodes[dx][dy].h;
                    nodes[dx][dy].parent = current;
                    nodes[dx][dy].label.setText((int) nodes[dx][dy].g + "");
    return null;

private Node getLowestFcost(List<Node> open) {
    Node lowestNode = open.get(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < open.size(); i++) {
        if (open.get(i).f <= lowestNode.f && open.get(i).h < lowestNode.h) {
            lowestNode = open.get(i);
    return lowestNode;

private boolean isDiagonal(int x, int y) {
    return (x == -1 && y == 1 ||
            x == 1 && y == 1 ||
            x == 1 && y == -1 ||
            x == -1 && y == -1);

private float movementCost(float cost, boolean diagonal) {
    return diagonal ? cost + 14 : cost + 10;

public void clearNodes() {
    for (int i = 0; i < map.getTileWidth(); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < map.getTileHeight(); j++) {
            if (nodes[i][j].cell != null) {
                nodes[i][j].f = 0;
                nodes[i][j].h = 0;
                nodes[i][j].g = 0;
                nodes[i][j].parent = null;

Here is the pseudocode that I'm following. 这是我关注的伪代码 Also my heuristic is a diagonal distance 我的启发式也是对角距离

It looks like your problem is in the isWalkable method of your TileMap map variable. 看来您的问题出在TileMap map变量的isWalkable方法中。

The image you're following doesn't allow to pass diagonally alongside a wall, where your algorithm does. 您所追踪的图像不允许沿对角线穿过算法可以穿过的墙。

You can see this because the score gets added with 14 as follows: 14 + 14 = 28. While you expected it to go as follows: 14 + 10 (going down first) + 10 (going right) = 34. 您会看到这一点,因为分数被添加为14,如下所示:14 + 14 =28。您希望分数按如下方式进行:14 + 10(首先下降)+ 10(右边)= 34。

I hope I explained your problem clearly. 我希望我能清楚地解释你的问题。 I don't know your implementation of isWalkable , so I can't provide a full solution but I hope I have pointed you in the right direction. 我不知道您对isWalkable的实现,所以我无法提供完整的解决方案,但希望我为您指明了正确的方向。

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