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[英]Multiple Random Sampling in R

I currently have a data frame called liquidation where I want to run 30 random samples of 1000 observations each from it, designate which account came from which sample and then combine it into a new data frame with all 30 samples combined: 我目前有一个称为清算的数据框,我要在其中运行30个随机样本,每个样本有1000个观测值,指定哪个帐户来自哪个样本,然后将其合并到一个新的数据帧中,并合并所有30个样本:

Here is how I did it manually while using the dplyr package for random sampling but want to simplify it for repeatability: 这是我在使用dplyr软件包进行随机采样时手动执行的操作,但是为了简化可重复性,我想对其进行简化:

Sample_1 <- liquidation %>%
Sample_1$Obs <- 1

Sample_2 <- liquidation %>%
Sample_2$Obs <- 2

Sample_3 <- liquidation %>%
Sample_3$Obs <- 3
Sample_30 <- liquidation %>%
Sample_30$Obs <- 30

Then I combine it all into a single combined data frame: 然后,将所有内容合并为一个合并的数据帧:

Combined <- rbind(Sample_1, Sample_2,   Sample_3,   Sample_4,   Sample_5,   Sample_6,   Sample_7,   Sample_8,   Sample_9,   Sample_10,  
                  Sample_11,    Sample_12,  Sample_13,  Sample_14,  Sample_15,  Sample_16,  Sample_17,  Sample_18,  Sample_19,  
                  Sample_20,    Sample_21,  Sample_22,  Sample_23,  Sample_24,  Sample_25,  Sample_26,  Sample_27,  Sample_28,  
                  Sample_29,    Sample_30)

'data.frame':   30000 obs. of  31 variables:

Here's an example using mtcars (selecting 5 rows at random, 10 times) 这是使用mtcars的示例(随机选择5行,共10次)

Combined <- bind_rows(replicate(10, mtcars %>% sample_n(5), simplify=F), .id="Obs")

We use the base function replicate() to repeat the sampling multiple times. 我们使用基本函数replicate()重复多次采样。 Then we use dplyr 's bind_rows() to merge the samples and keep track of the which sample they came from. 然后,我们使用dplyrbind_rows()合并样本并跟踪它们来自哪个样本。

You should just be able to wrap this up into a function (assuming Sample_20, etc are temporary and you don't need them later on) 您应该可以将其包装为一个函数(假设Sample_20等是临时的,以后不再需要它们了)

sampling <- function(x, nSamples = 30, nRows = 1000) {
  do.call('rbind', lapply(seq_along(1:nSamples), function(n) {
    x %>% sample_n(nRows) %>% mutate(Obs=n)

Then can be run with: 然后可以运行:

combined <- sampling(liquidation)

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