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[英]Given a rectangular MATRIX(MxN) of integers, already charged, calculate how many are symmetric elements with respect to the vertical axis

i don't know what's wrong with my code .. if the MATRIX is formed by (2x4) and i give in input : 我不知道我的代码有什么问题..如果MATRIX由(2x4)组成并且我输入了:


symmetric elements should be :3 if im not wrong , but my code prints 0 elements 如果我没记错的话,对称元素应该是:3,但是我的代码显示0个元素

here's my code 这是我的代码

 int elementiSimmetrici(int colonne <--(MAXcolumns OF matrix(matrixIS FORMED BY THIS COLUMNS) ,int matrix[][colonne]<--(matrix ),int righe <-//matrix IS FORMED BY THIS ROWS)
    int r <--(row),c <--(columns),elementisimm=0 <--elements counter;
    colonne/=2; //columns/2 because i have to compare only first with last
    for(r=0;r<righe;r++){//for row<Maxrow's of matrix
        for(c=0;c<colonne;c++){ //for columns <maxcolums of matrix
            if ( matrix[r][c] == matrix[r][colonne-1-c] //i think you can understand this ){ 

              elementisimm++; //increase  COUNTER




    return elementisimm;


You divide colonne by 2. That's fine for the loop condition but not for the comparison. 用2除以colonne 。这对于循环条件是好的,但对于比较而言却不是。 This should work: 这应该工作:

  // Don't do this: colonne/=2;
  for(c = 0; c < colonne / 2; c++){
      if ( vettore[r][c] == vettore[r][colonne-1-c] ){

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