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禁用只读ext4 fs的日记功能

[英]Disabling journaling for read-only ext4 fs

If journaling is disabled for a read-only ext4 fs can there be any possible side effects? 如果对于只读ext4 fs禁用日记功能,是否会出现任何可能的副作用?

I see an opportunity of saving precious storage quota by doing so. 通过这样做,我看到了节省宝贵存储配额的机会。

The answer is Yes as per https://wiki.debian.org/ReadonlyRoot#Preconditions 根据https://wiki.debian.org/ReadonlyRoot#Preconditions ,答案是肯定的

You can use a filesystem without a journal for /, because you don't write there and you don't need the journal. 您可以使用没有日志的文件系统/,因为您不在那里写,而您不需要日志。

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