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在选定列上将函数/字典应用于pandas DataFrame中每个元素的最快方法

[英]Fastest way to apply function/dict to every element in a pandas DataFrame on selected columns

I would like to: 我想要:

  • Read hundreds of tab-delimited file into pandas DataFrame 将数百个制表符分隔的文件读入pandas DataFrame中
  • Decide whether to apply function based on FileNo 根据FileNo决定是否应用功能
  • Apply function to every element on selected columns 将功能应用于选定列上的每个元素
  • Append and concatenate all DataFrames into a single frame 将所有DataFrame附加并连接到一个框架中

Sample file: 样本文件:

ID    FileNo    Name    A1    A2    A3
1    0     John    a-b    b-a    a-a
2    0    Carol    b-b    a-b    a-b
500    0   Steve    a-a    b-b     a-b
501    0    Jack     b-a    b-a     a-b

True dimension for each file: 2000x15000 每个文件的真实尺寸:2000x15000

Function: reverse the string. 功能:反转字符串。

flip_over = lambda x: x[::-1]
my_dict = {'a-b':'b-a', 'a-a':'a-a', 'b-b':'b-b', 'b-a':'a-b'}

What I currently have: 我目前所拥有的:

whether_to_flip = [7,15,23,36,48,85]
frames = []
base_path = "/home/user/file_"

for i in range(0, 100):
    path = base_path + str(i) + ".tsv"
    df = pd.read_csv(path, sep="\t", header=None)
    df['FileNo'] = str(i)
    if i in whether_to_flip:
          for j in range(3,6):
                 df[j] = df[j].map(my_dict)

combined = pd.concat(frames, axis=0, ignore_index=True)

This is currently taking hours to finish reading and processing, and I hit the memory limit when I need to increase the number of files to read. 当前,这需要几个小时才能完成读取和处理,当我需要增加读取文件的数量时,达到了内存限制。

I would appreciate any help to improve this code. 我将不胜感激,以改善此代码。 In particular, 尤其是,

  • Is this the best/fastest way to apply function? 这是应用功能的最佳/最快方法吗?
  • Is this the best/fastest way to append and concatanate many DataFrames? 这是追加和合并许多DataFrame的最佳/最快方法吗?

Thank you. 谢谢。

First, I guess you should understand how much time you lose in reading csv vs time to invert the strings. 首先,我想您应该了解在读取csv上所花费的时间与反转字符串所花费的时间。

I can see a couple of things that can speed up the program: 我可以看到一些可以加快程序速度的事情:

Avoid the loop over the columns 避免在列上循环

You can use replace and my_dict: (ref) 您可以使用replace和my_dict :( 参考)

if i in whether_to_flip:
    df = df.replace(my_dict)
#   df = df.replace({'A1' : my_dict, 'A2' : my_dict, 'A3' : my_dict)

I think this should give considerable improvement in performance. 我认为这应该可以大大改善性能。

List comprehension to avoid .append 列表理解以避免.append

This can make the syntax a bit more cumbersome, but could have some tiny efficiency gain 这可能会使语法更加繁琐,但效率可能会有所提高

def do_path(x):
    return base_path + str(i) + ".csv"  

[ pd.read_csv(do_path(i), sep="\t", header=None).assign(FileNo = str(i)) if i not in whether_to_flip
  else pd.read_csv(do_path(i), sep="\t", header=None).assign(FileNo = str(i)).map(my_dict)
  for i in range(0, 100)]

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