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无法弄清楚如何在pyspark 1.6和python2.7中使用LinearRegression

[英]Can't figure out how to use LinearRegression at pyspark 1.6 & python2.7

My spark version is 1.6 我的Spark版本是1.6
My python version is 2.7 我的python版本是2.7

My data is below, 我的数据如下,

x = [300,400,500,500,800,1000,1000,1300]  
y = [9500,10300,11000,12000,12400,13400,14500,15300]

|   x|    y|
| 300| 9500|
| 400|10300|
| 500|11000|
| 500|12000|
| 800|12400|

My wrong codes , 我的错误代码,

from pyspark.mllib.linalg import Vectors
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
from pyspark.ml.regression import LinearRegression 
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
#my data
x = [300,400,500,500,800,1000,1000,1300]
y = [9500,10300,11000,12000,12400,13400,14500,15300]

df = pd.DataFrame({'x':x, 'y':y})

lr = LinearRegression(maxIter=50, regParam=0.0, solver="normal", weightCol="weight")
model = lr.fit(df)

I want to run like this example: 我想像这样运行:

>>> from pyspark.mllib.linalg import Vectors
>>> df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([
...     (1.0, 2.0, Vectors.dense(1.0)),
...     (0.0, 2.0, Vectors.sparse(1, [], []))], ["label", "weight", "features"])
>>> lr = LinearRegression(maxIter=5, regParam=0.0, solver="normal", weightCol="weight")
>>> model = lr.fit(df)

I can's figure out how to transfer my data to example data type. 我可以弄清楚如何将数据转换为示例数据类型。

|label|weight| features|
|  1.0|   2.0|    [1.0]|
|  0.0|   2.0|(1,[],[])|

Any comments will be much appreciated. 任何意见将不胜感激。
Thank you for your help. 谢谢您的帮助。

from pyspark import  SparkContext
from pyspark import SparkConf
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
from pyspark.ml.regression import LinearRegression
from pyspark.mllib.linalg import Vectors
#spark conf
conf = ( SparkConf()
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)

df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([
(1.0, Vectors.dense(1.0)),
(3.0, Vectors.dense(2.0)),
(4.0, Vectors.dense(3.0)),
(5.0, Vectors.dense(4.0)),
(2.0, Vectors.dense(5.0)),
(3.0, Vectors.dense(6.0)),
(4.0, Vectors.dense(7.0)),
(0.0, Vectors.sparse(1, [], []))], ["label", "features"])


lr = LinearRegression(maxIter=50, regParam=1.12)
model = lr.fit(df)

Outputs: 输出:


I sucess! 我成功了!
But coefficients and intercept are different than statsmodels.api.OLS. 但是系数和截距与statsmodels.api.OLS不同。

import numpy as np
import statsmodels.api as sm

Y = [1,3,4,5,2,3,4]
X = range(1,8)
X = sm.add_constant(X)

model = sm.OLS(Y,X)
results = model.fit()

Outputs: 输出:

                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:                      y   R-squared:                       0.161
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                 -0.007
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                    0.9608
Date:                Fri, 07 Apr 2017   Prob (F-statistic):              0.372
Time:                        02:09:45   Log-Likelihood:                -10.854
No. Observations:                   7   AIC:                             25.71
Df Residuals:                       5   BIC:                             25.60
Df Model:                           1                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                 coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [95.0% Conf. Int.]
const          2.1429      1.141      1.879      0.119        -0.789     5.075
x1             0.2500      0.255      0.980      0.372        -0.406     0.906
Omnibus:                          nan   Durbin-Watson:                   1.743
Prob(Omnibus):                    nan   Jarque-Bera (JB):                0.482
Skew:                           0.206   Prob(JB):                        0.786
Kurtosis:                       1.782   Cond. No.                         10.4

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