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如何摆脱这个“无法下载” Shortcodes”扩展zip。 找不到工作交通工具”?

[英]How to get rid of this “Cannot download the ”Shortcodes“ extension zip. No working transports found”?

While during install the plugin, I am getting below error: 在安装插件期间,出现以下错误:

Cannot download the "Shortcodes" extension zip. No working transports found

Thank you in advance.. 先感谢您..

This is a hosting issue and usually it means that the server has no OpenSSL module for PHP installed or the CURL module is outdated. 这是一个托管问题,通常意味着服务器没有安装用于PHP的OpenSSL模块或CURL模块已过时。 Contact your hosting for this issue, it's probably not something you can fix yourself unless you own the server. 请与您的主机联系以解决此问题,除非您拥有服务器,否则可能无法自行解决。

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